there's a real irony here. Daniel Hannan gives an example of mineral water as a product which is governed by common standards, not mutual recognition.
Hmm... so what's the actually EU's actual position on mineral water?
We'll find out.
If you go to this page you can get an overview. There's Brexit notice, we'll come back to that.
Here you go. EU Directive 2009/54/EC. So EU standardisation, like Danial Hannan was complaining about?
Let's have a look at the regulation to make sure.…

So what's it say?
Well, it says that each member state must recognise mineral waters recognised as a mineral water by any other another member states, subject to a few common standards listed in the annex.
That's mutual recognition!…

Right, so now let's have a look at that Brexit notice.
Here's the link. What does it say?…

Or alternatively one of the recognised authorities an EU-27 country would have to recognise our mineral water as a 3rd country mineral water.
So Danial Hannan's preferred model of mutual recognition working within the EU for our benefit, but less so outside.