In Syria I found #ISISfiles, some on treatment of women by ISIS.
Here my story for @akhbar
It's in Arabic but in thread I'll explain in English
a. Restrictive laws mainly meant to control local female population in ISIS parts of Syria.
b. Rulings regarding behavior of ISIS-female members. What work can ISIS-women do? Can ISIS-women fight? Etc.
This all was considered "harassment" &punishable by law. If u were caught for 3rd time: 15 days prison +90 lashes. @akhbar
ISIS established special female units, specialized in arresting local Syrian women who were accused of having broken ISIS-laws.
Also these ISIS-female guards had to watch local women &keep an eye on them in schools, shops...
Also, ISIS women had right to go to court &file for divorce. I found in Syria court documents of Um Ishaq, an ISIS woman from Holland, who divorced her Tunisian husband (ISIS fighter)

Many ISIS females who returned to West claim that they were fully controlled by their husbands &that females had no say whatsoever.
This is clearly not true
According to the #ISISfiles I found in Syria, only in specific & urgent cases women have the right to carry the gun and fight. For example, when the emir specifically orders it.
a/ If the enemy attacks town and enters the houses.
b/ In case the emir orders so.
c/ If a place is besieged and there is “nafir” - a general call to arms.
a/ Women are physically weak
b/ If women scream in battle, it will shake morale of army.
c/ to prevent her clothes getting torn so that private parts r visible.
d/ It can be seen as sign of weakness by enemy.
ISIS views Yazidis as “devil worshippers” & treated them in most horrible way. Killing, raping, slavery…genocide. Nobody can imagine what Yazidis went/going through.
May justice come quickly.