170808 KBS Cool FM Moon Hee-Joon's Music Show - Starring #RedVelvet's #Seulgi, #Wendy, #Yeri
#RedVelvet #Seulgi: We came because we wanted to
DJ: Ah~ The SM labelmates speak so nicely~
#RedVelvet #Wendy: It's because I recieved so much love from the fans.
DJ: What does that even mean LOL
Wendy: I got a little injury so...
#RedVelvet #Yeri: The encore events! The fans even rapped, and they used whistles!
#Wendy: I think all of this happiness was possible because I was a part of Red Velvet.
#Seulgi: Compared to the first concert, we were able to play more.
#Wendy: Normally, it's other people who determine if we've grown or not but here we are saying it ourselves... LOL
DJ: It means you worked hard!
#Wendy: Yeri, I'm proud of you for working hard!
#RedVelvet #Wendy: I think it'll be OK to drop the resolution a bit...
Wendy: No matrer how I worry about it, I know that I'm eventually going to end up doing it, so I have sort of a 'this will also pass' motto.
#Yeri: I'm worried about my health because I always get an IV during the first week of promotions. I want to wrap this era up without any trouble.
Wendy: Any and Everybody!
#Seulgi: I want to befriend Ha Jung-Woo, after watching Along with the Gods 2.
#Yeri: I also remembered! I wanna become friends with Kim Hyang-Gi.
찰떡 멤거 제일 좋아한엠
#RedVelvet #Yeri: I don't know..
Q. Which member do you think goes best with the #PowerUp era?
#RedVelvet #Seulgi: #Wendy!
#Wendy: Everybody!
#Wendy: I'm known for being a too much talker.. but I think I get energy from other people!
#Seulgi: I want to try #NCTU's #Boss, but it looks too hard...
#RedVelvet #Seulgi: At North Korea, the staff all called us as Ms. Kang and such, so we all saved each other like that with the exception of #Irene. She was called Ms. Leader so we saved her like that