Day 526 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 313 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

Omarosa made a recording of what she says is John Kelly firing her in the Situation Room in which he says he wants to make it a "friendly departure" without "difficulty in the future relative to your reputation."
"It's very obvious ... a threat."…
It’s nothing short of stunning that an employee was able to sneak a smartphone into the Situation Room — the SCIF of all SCIFs - and surreptitiously record a conversation. #MeetThePress
“This is a White House where everybody lies.”
Omarosa Manigault-Newman explained why she secretly recorded her meeting with John Kelly to @MeetThePress.…
A reminder that @realDonaldTrump once said he thought @OMAROSA was a liar--and that he still hired her for a senior White House position.…
White House reacts to @OMAROSA secret recording of chief of staff John Kelly.
No denial from the White House on Omarosa's claim that she recorded John Kelly in the Situation Room.

Sources tell The Daily Beast that Omarosa had demanded that she oversee all of Trump's inaugural Black History Month last year.
But she apparently failed to do any real prep work, making promises about events and parties that never materialized.…
Interesting exchange to watch. Jon Karl asks Kellyanne Conway who the highest-ranking African-American Trump official is now that Omarosa is gone. (via ABC)
Conway says White House employees have signed NDA. "We have confidentiality agreements in the West Wing, absolutely."
Trump's mood has darkened during periods when the Russia story has dominated, close confidants tell Politico.
'Every day you wake up and it's Manafort this, Manafort that. It's crazy,' said one close adviser. 'How do you get away from it?'…
After Rudy Giuliani insisted that Trump never told former FBI director James Comey to give Michael Flynn a break. Jake Tapper aired a video of Giuliani claiming the opposite in an interview.
Fascinating look from the Columbus Dispatch at how Russian trolls, often using fake profile photos of young women, tried to influence Ohioans on Twitter during and after the 2016 election.…
Trump has headlined 29 fundraisers since he was sworn into office, but unlike the five previous presidents, nearly half of the events benefited himself, instead of just his party or candidates, according to an analysis by McClatchy.…
‘Beautiful’ and ‘Lovely’: Trump Tweets Reflect Fixation on Women’s Appearances…
Trump is as strongly disliked now as Richard Nixon was before he resigned, a new Marist poll shows.
More than 100 newspapers will publish op-eds on August 16 calling out Trump’s treatment of the media.…
Jeff Sessions ate at a Mexican restaurant before railing against the dangers of unfettered immigration.…
“The Trump Admin wants to make it harder to vote & they’ve thrown the weight of the fed govt behind that,” said election-law scholar Lisa Manheim. “It’s hard to justify these measures as anything but an attempt to entrench Republicans in office.”…
Top EPA officials pushed through a measure to review applications for using asbestos in consumer products, and did so over the objections of the agency's in-house scientists and lawyers, internal agency emails show.…
Mick Mulvaney plans to weaken oversight of the Military Lending Act, according to internal agency docs.
The Military Lending Act was created to protect military service members and their families from financial fraud.
Betsy DeVos has moved to end Obama-era rules that penalized for-profit colleges with a record of leaving graduates in crippling debt and with few job prospects.…
Huge document dump today: 87,800 pages of Kavanaugh’s time serving in the Bush WH counsel’s office, cleared for release by the Bush library.…
This is what true patriotism looks & sounds like.
The white-nationalist rally by the White House ended with counterprotesters far outnumbering rallygoers.…
@Amy_Siskind: Week 91 has 156 not normal items. This was a week of widespread and outrageous corruption in the Trump orbit.
See what you missed in the chaos!…
86 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
You Know Who the Tax Cuts Helped? Rich People
NEW INSIGHT INTO MANAFORT'S FINANCES: His family believed he was paying the rent & credit card bills for a mistress many years his junior. They confronted him about it, & he entered an Arizona clinic for counseling, according to interviews & texts.…