Its a thread.
From @OxfordUnion by @mehdirhasan with @dambisamoyo.
This also includes three other people.
Number 1 was previously a politician who now works with policy.
The joint no 2s are well respected "whatyacallits"

The whole discourse was based on the seemingly crazy ideas of @dambisamoyo in #edgeofchaos

She drove home the point by directing to China and the miracle they pulled off within one generation.
Initially a skeptic, I got to think.....
Remember Suffrage and the Civil Rights Movements?

The basic conservatives who said the expected bandwagon stuff and went through the academic rounds...and then, the gentleman bending down in this picture laughing at verbal jabs at @mehdirhasan. Such an open mind and I think, more realistic.

@dambisamoyo , with a glint in her eye opined feverishly that Foreign Aid has always been in Africa for all of 60 years. How come Africa's growth coincided when China opened trade?

1. A civics class is necessary to determine the power of vote.
2. Government is responsible for funding it
These are ideas floated but none of them are actually new to the world.
1. All naturalised citizens do it
2. Super delegates in USA
3. In Argentina + some of Europe
With this premise, every citizen can be one as long as you are well read and are able to take the basic citizenship test AND PASS.
If not, you get half-point vote.