First—listen to your state & local news. EVACUATE if you’re mandated. Don’t leave your pets behind.
I worked on the rescue efforts after Harvey & Irma. I spoke to people on dying phones who didn’t evacuate. They required rescue from rooftops.
If you’re not mandated to evacuate for #HurricaneFlorence, see @NOAA’s list of numbers and supplies you‘ll need
@Firechatapp is a web app & works when cell towers go down between phones.
Prepare & have 1 gallon/day water supply for 7 days minimum.

Tap & well water are NOT safe to drink after a flood event. Bacteria, viruses & pathogens are present & will make you sick in just HOURS.
For a hurricane/flood event, here are 5 options for safe drinking water.
BEFORE the event:
1. Buy bottled water— 1 gallon/day/person for 7 days minimum
AFTER the event:
2.Chlorinate the water
3.Iodine tablets
4.Calcium hypochlorite- used in swimming pools
5.Boiling the water
Adding chlorine to H2O is the best option.
⚠️Bleach must be less than 6 mos old. You MUST let it sit for 1 hour after treating, otherwise it’s toxic

⚠️Do NOT have iodine disinfected water with
—Thyroid conditions
—Allergy to shellfish
Cautions on iodine:
—Overconsumption is toxic
—Taste is metallic

Calcium hydpochlorite or pool shock is found in swimming pool supply stores.
⚠️Use caution with this if you have no other options because it takes VERY little to treat. It is DEADLY if overconsumption occurs.

Boiling water only works if you have a heat source hot enough to boil it for at least 1 minute. I recommend 3 to 5 minutes.
⚠️Caution - this is a remedial method at best. It should be a LAST effort and it will NOT remove all contaminants.

Flood waters rapidly multiply with pathogens & water bourne illnesses. Avoid standing in it, if possible. A cut can easily become a life threatening infection.
Wash your hands often & any part of you that must go in flood waters, immediately.

During the rescue efforts of Harvey & Irma, no one rescuing or in need cared if you were Dem or GOP.
💚Look out for each other
💚Be safe