I have several related threads on the go at the moment. To find them, enter "(1) from:godlessnz" in the Twitter search bar then select the "latest" tab.
My key message: Heed safety warnings to protect yourself & loved ones.

Evacuate when safe to do so, or shelter in place until all clear is given.

Do not self-deploy. It causes MORE work for rescuers.
PRE-register with a FEMA-endorsed nvoad.org member org first.

Colorado handler Adan Cooper pets Tag while paramedic Fred Salaza gives IV fluids to help the dog stay healthy during his search & rescue work. (You can't make a dog drink more water.)
Heroes, all. #Florence #ThankYouResponders

10,211 Snacks served so far ... meal count doubled from this morning ... proud of our canteen crews!" @SalArmyEDS
Staff & #volunteers doing this. If able, pls donate here: give.helpsalvationarmy.org

@FEMA endorses @NationalVOAD, which lists its member sites at nvoad.org.
From Hurricane #Harvey:

>Wrapping gas pumps to stop potential flying debris (& to deter attempted use)
>Removing planks to allow water through a deck
>Placing dirt on flood-prone rail tracks.
