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ThreeMonkeys AndMe @We3forDemocracy
, 10 tweets, 7 min read Read on Twitter
Just read there’s an on-going intl investigation (including Interpol) into burglaries of Prof Anne-Marie Brady’s office and home (with selective theft of items used to write her major exposé on China’s activities in NZ; and oppressive actions against her.)
Older article👇🏼
It’s a good thing that these burglaries, bullying and threat are being taken seriously.

The fact they have occurred at all after publishing her paper and giving talks is, in effect, confirmation that her concerns about China are correct.…
Its a reminder that totalitarian states can’t abide their actions being criticised; and readily use censorship, propaganda, and intimidation or worse 👉🏼to dumb down the public, and suppress criticism.

“Magic Weapons: China’s political inuence activities under Xi Jinping”
Here is a link to Brady’s full 57 page Policy Paper published in Sept 2017👇🏼…

Extracts of the executive summary are below
China has been helped to become an economic superpower by profit driven neoliberal globalist multinationals (who outsourced & moved manufacturing there); and by globalist trade pacts (that open borders for corporate raiding by tax avoiding foreign corporations and interests)
Neoliberalism, free trade pacts and open borders are very much in China’s interests; and you can bet that China wants to maintain its ability to infiltrate economies and countries

👉🏼Within 20 years it is predicted that Asian people will constitute 35% of Auckland’s population
The US national debt reached $21 trillion in June 2018

China is the largest foreign owner of US debt (and holds 19% of the $6.2 trillion in US debt held by foreign countries.)

Concerns have been raised over China’s loans
🐘How much debt of other countries does China hold?🐘
When Brady’s Policy Paper was published, there were additional news articles - that pointed out that the National Party has a list MP (who was chosen by the National Party) who had taught in China’s major Spy School.

See FAS summary below👇🏼…
New Zealand, while far from having a perfect Democracy, is towards the top of the global charts for a Democracy.

But a country’s overall culture is determined by the culture and ideology of the people who make it up; and the agenda of elites and lobbyists who influence the govt
Chinese spy ships have been visiting Auck since 2005.

Its bad enough 5 Eyes/Echelon meet here

We shouldn’t allow spy ships etc any more than ships armed with nuclear weapons -because if what is said in this article is true, NZ is deemed to be in a “buffer” zone between US/China
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