Benczkowski could fire Mueller and end all the work Mueller's people were doing. A Constitutional Crisis yes.
States AGs are not under the DoJ.
Mueller is always 10 steps ahead of Trump and his Three Stooges Legal Team.
I'm sure Mueller saw this coming when Benczkowski was appointed to DoJ.
Getting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court has been the GOP endgame for a long time.
I started posting this thread right after the Nunes recording came out.
The Nunes Recording on Impeaching Rosenstein:
”Its a matter of timing" get Kavanaugh confirmed first - then Impeach Rosenstine
Nunes On Secret Tape: Brett Kavanaugh Vote, Then Rod Rosenstein Impeachm...

2. Republicans blocked Obama's Supreme Court nominee for almost a year. Now they are in a hurry to Confirm Kavanaugh.
Nunes Recording revealed the plan: Confirm Kavanaugh, Impeach Rosenstine, Benczkowski, formerly of Alfa Bank & Trump’s campaign-
Nunes was on Trump's Campaign Steering Committee and is doing everything he can to obstruct the investigation into Russian hacking….
Brian Benczkowski, connected with Trump's campaign, and Kavanaugh go back a long time. Sens. Durbin & Leahy felt Kavanaugh mislead them years ago. Benczkowski got Kav off the hook.…

The sham hearing / confirmation has been a plan all along. @nytimes piece on Rosenstine recording Trump may have been a set up to get Trump to fire Rosenstine if Kavinaugh's hearing went bad.
Interesting Times Indeed.
The Latest: AP source says Rosenstein expecting to be fired…