(a) Dr. Ford's academic performance suffering in college but not in high school.
(b) Her telling her therapist it happened in mid '80's.
(c) Her telling her therapist it happened in her late teens.
(d) Leland Keyser having never met Brett Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh was in the news in 2012 as a potential SCOTUS nominee if Mitt Romney won. Dr. Ford told her husband in 2012 she was bothered by it. Seems reasonable she would get hold of Mark Judge's book and read it.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Ex-Boyfriend Told Senate Judiciary He Witnessed Her Coach A Friend On Polygraphs
This blows away Dr. Ford's testimony to smithereens. If all of this is true, she sounds more like a consummate actress than a victim.
-- helped prepare her best friend for a polygraph exam
-- flew around Hawaiian islands in a propeller plane and indicated no fear of flying
-- never expressed fear of closed quarters, tight spaces, or places with only one exit
-- cheated on boyfriend