An existing FTA might state a minimum domestic content threshold eg: "55% of this product must be sourced EU". It might not be POSSIBLE to source 55% in the UK - so we have just shot ourselves in the foot, big time.
Either we keep it the same (EU regs) and prevent ourselves from de-regulating (a la brexit), or we change the phrase to "UK regs" and get the response "you're 'avin a f**kin laugh, mate!)
Say the FTA currently says "first 10K widgets sold to EU are tariff free". Say we split the quota 50/50 with EU.
A country that could export 10K units this year, tariff free, might cop a tarriff above 9K next year if we buy 4K and the EU buys 6K
That's a clause that says if a State does something stupid (eg leaving the SM) which harms investors from the other country, an international court can award compensation against the offending government"
The UK might not WANT to roll these FTA's over!
"Just roll em over innit?" sounds plausible until you look at the detail. Then it turns out to be nothing but unicorn shit. Like brexit.