When your Congress votes all wrong
You must flip it
Before our healthcare is all gone
You must flip it
With the corruption going on
You must flip it
Every state
Shake it up
Vote straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to elect it
It's not too late
To flip it
You must flip it
If Dean Heller's in your town
You must flip it
Jeff Flake is not around
You must flip it

Flip your state
Down ballot
Vote straight
Go forward
Use your head
Don't get distracted
It's not too late
To flip it

You must flip it
@RosenforNevada comes along
You must flip it
@BetoORourke plays a song
You must flip it
I said flip it
Flip the hate
We need progressives
In every state
So flip it!

Needs your vote!
Your only hope!
You must promote!
In it to win it
Let's #FlipTheSenate
Get out the vote!!!!!!