Scuttlebutt is about putting "social" back into social networking.
To accomplish that, it needs to be non-commercial / non-profit, or at least "free of influence" from businesses.
Or: conversion optimization. This is fundamental in any for-profit social network, for user growth.
As a technical feature, it's innocent. But socially, it means you can misbehave as much as you want, because creating a new account is easy.
Notice how account re-creation and behavior are intrinsically related.
In other words, engineering of addiction. To think that billions of social interactions are now dopamine-driven with face-paced social confirmation, means are on a path of degrading normal discourse on a global scale.
Never before have humans had commercial ads interrupting even small gatherings of friends and family.
Entertainment and sports have been used to catch attention for ads, but using frienships to catch that attention was genius, but wicked beyond comprehension.
This property is less well known, but important to acknowledge. The internet allows you to find a (large!) community for any hobby or topic you can imagine. This has been great. But it has a downside too...
1) Account creation is fueled by capitalistic growth.
2) Engagement & addiction is fueled by capitalistic growth.
3) Advertisements are fueled by capitalistic growth.
4) Communities of interest are productized, for capitalistic growth.
#Scuttlebutt is doing that by nurturing communities that are more like villages. Here's how:

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