India was a country with value system by the ancient civilizations and invasion of barbarians and colonial era of 800+ years landed our courts systems to thinking on the lines executive rather than focusing business and has become Kangaroo's Court.

On the contrary, All courts upto SC are mere an eye wash


👉2.86 Cr cases pending in court awaiting justice as on yesterday
👉2 crores are Criminal Cases
👉0.86 Cr are Civil cases.

👉There are 35 lack cases pending more than 10 years.
👉As per 245th Law Commission Report submitted in July 2014, It will take 464 years to clear the pending cases as-is case

👉14L cases are pending for justice filed by senior Citizens
Why SC boasts of equality by allowing Women's to Sabarimala which was never asked?

👉12 Lacs new cases filed in Oct 2018
👉At this rate when will the courts clear the cases?
👉Milords hoping for Lord Vishnu take another Avatar to destroy the Kaliyug world?

👉Don't we deserve better court systems?
👉Unity in Diversity is a Strength but binding courts with multiple law systems aren't counter productive and a weakness?

Playing with Hindu Religious beliefs like Sickular politicians is a cowardice

Milords should behave like grown ups and get rid of childish behaviors.
Do your business properly before pointing others. How will you gain respect for justice?

1. More Judges
2. More Work Days
3. More technology
4. More Synergy With Govt
More you think and act on these three areas you will see change other wise nothing will change. I am giving you in writing.

Today justice comes with money, injustice meted out with more money & if hv no money means stay home you dont

How Developed nations evolved with court systems tells you a lot that our milords are yet to wake up. Take the example of Singapore and UK Court systems. You have many things to learn.
Economy grows when judiciary is sound hence India needs this lever badly

This pic will tell about why certain states are not good for business environement.
In West bengal, it takes 10+ year Avg to resolve disputes and 9+ years in UP
This pic will tell about why certain states are not good for business environement.
In West bengal, it takes 10+ year Avg to resolve disputes and 9+ years in UP