Intrigued by the magnitude of the savings, I decided to file an RTI request. This thread documents my journey into the labyrinth.
(A) the details of the 90,000 crores were available on
(B) the schemes are being administered by various departments / ministries and for questions 2-4 I should seek information from the relevant ministry

(a) digitization of ration cards/beneficiary and other databases,
(b) computerization of supply-chain management,
(c) setting up of transparency portals; and ...
FYI @rozi_roti


(A) Alternate effective mechanisms existed for the identification of bogus ration cards
(B) Maharashtra detected significantly larger bogus ration cards pre-Aadhaar than post Aadhaar
(C) 17,500 crores p.a being siphoned but nobody caught and prosecuted.
1. All 3 OMC either categorically dispute the existence of "fakes, duplicate and ghost beneficiaries" or feign ignorance about their existence. Thus their stand is contrary to that of UDie.
3. None of the 3 OMC furnishes information on savings generated solely through the use of Aadhaar
4. No information on anyone prosecuted for cheating the govt…

Why would UDie / MoRD transfer the query to a department that did not generate the savings?
1. Aadhaar is not used in rural housing schemes.
2. No details of the savings of 16,000 crores in MGNREGS provided till date
1. Alternate effective mechanisms existed for the identification of duplicates
2. Nobody seems to have been prosecuted for the mammoth 90,000 crore pilferage