Are the Brexiteers about to decide to 'buy into' the idea that Mrs May can fix the Irish border with technology? That unicorns *do* exist?
Mad? Let me explain... 1/Thread
Then FT's Laura Hughes says 'Gang of Five' are too /2
I love this quote particularly... /3

So what is going? Is it
a) the 'unicorns' are back, as one EU source nervously texts
b) that the Brexiteers are finally looking for a way out. They want to believe in fairies after all. /4
Theresa May proposed two solutions to the Irish border issue that would deliver BOTH an independent trade policy (ie no need to be in a customs union) AND a soft border in Ireland. /5
Or the "maxfac" - short for 'maximum facilitation', which would use technology. /6
Two dead unicorns, lying in a ditch.
And yet..../7
It's they wont' for it...or so we thought./9
Put aside the conditional clauses "could be" the magic bullet, and the admission "it doesn't exist yet" and well, bingo! /10
Everyone agrees to go on a 'unicorn hunt' to fix the border in the hope that, in the fullness of time, all sides can "make do with horse with a shell on its forehead" /11
To remind ourselves that the last time I drove into Newry a few weeks back, I saw a huge billboard saying we "salute the men of violence of 1916" and an exhortation to join a Republican group and "smash Stormont" /12
Or that, as the cross-party UK Parliamentary Cmme discovered, there is no border in the world that is technology-free /13
Or that unemployment in Newry was 20+% at the time of the Good Friday it's less than 2%. No-one there wants the border back.
Or most of the traffic is 'white van' stuff, and.... /14
In short, no-one acquainted with the facts thinks technology can deliver an invisible border.
We could use drones and blockchain ...and Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility (OK, I made that last one up) and the border could be invisible. And then we wouldn't need a customs union, and we cd go a buccaneering. /16
Alleluia. Praise Be! May the Lord have Mercy! /18
- The Brexiteers don't have a better plan
- All these fudges and fixes only work if all sides are prepared to suspend their disbelief. Like watching the sprites and fairies at the theatre floating on wires.
But more profoundly /19
The trade-offs market access and sovereignty are real; and if we want to fix the Irish border problem, we'll be in a customs union with the EU for the foreseeable future. /20
You still need to say, if you're not in a customs union, how you deal with the Irish border.
And if you want trade to keep moving, and minimal border checks, what strings you will accept the EU attaching /21
Even if Rees-Mogg and co get their "SuperCanada" it will a) NOT fix the Irish border and b) come with the SAME level playing field strings that May has agreed to in the Withdrawal Agreement FTA, maybe more.
If such a deal were negotiated... /22
But the entire discussion is so risible, it's not worthy of a 6th form debating club, let alone a great nation.
As Sabine Weyand KEEPS saying to the UK. You need to make choices. We should do so honestly, with eyes open.