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Alex Macias @AspConservative
6 years ago, 10 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
The problem that these authoritarian ideologues do not seem to understand is that prohibitions on speech are arbitrary by nature. If suppression of particular viewpoints is deemed acceptable, then discourse will no longer be possible.

This absurd desire for censorship appears to be predicated on the idea that the dissemination of extremist ideas shall inevitably result in violence or radicalization. Of course, this is simply not the case. Those who utilize said ideas as a justification to perpetrate crimes...
...were already inclined to do so.

One such example is the far-right idea that a white ethnostate is necessary to preserve the west. I'm certain that there are individuals who utilize this racist idea as a justification to attack non-whites. However, a more common response... immediate disgust and condemnation. Such disdain for this idea prompts opposition and challenges. With challenges comes debate and an opportunity to confront the egregious beliefs. Among those who hold these beliefs are those who possess the aformentioned inclination.
This is an inclination that shall persist in spite of censorship. Such actions make the inclined a martyr for those who hold the belief but are not inclined to perpetrate crimes. Along with this martyrdom shall come an adoption of the perviously mentioned inclination.
Such is the nature of suppression. When one is being actively suppressed, their resolve shall grow ever stronger and they will do what is necessary to oppose the aformentioned suppression. Unfortunately, some will see violence as a viable option and idolize the inclined.
In other words, those who hold a belief by nature have a desire to share the belief. Among those who hold the belief are those who find violence to be an effective means to promulgate their belief. When a peaceful means of promulgation is taken away, violence may be seen as...
...acceptable alternative. Therefore, it holds that it is best to allow those who hold the belief and not inclined to perpetrate violence to communicate the idea peacefully. Along with peaceful promulgation comes an opportunity for debate. Those inclined to perpetrate a crime...
...are to be prosecuted on actionable offenses.

It is unwise to assume that censorship shall result in the disappearance of a belief. Further, it is detrimental to a peaceful society to elimate opportunities to directly confront those who hold the belief. Such is the nature...
...of free speech.
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