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Jun 12th 2023
@iltasanomat #Vantaa-#HellOnEarth
'Pahoinpitelyn jälkeen nuorisoporukka poistui paikalta juosten kohti Länsimäen kirkkoa.
Rikosnimikkeinä toimii tällä hetkellä törkeä #ryöstö ja törkeä #pahoinpitely.'
@iltasanomat @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Koraani.
#IslaminPerusteet - #mus­limi on määrätty #taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #väärä­uskoisia vastaan.
Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa #sotilaal­linen toiminta #islam'ssa on.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@MikkonenKrista #Islamistit ja lapsensa eivät kokaan tule kristittyyn maahan 'kotoutumaan' tai 'sopeutumaan, vaan tuhoamaan ja tappamaan - Insallah.
#Soros #Jihadists without IDs were attracted to #Finland with the #best #socialbenefits in #Europe.
@MikkonenKrista #MILITIAMEN INFILTRATE EU SHORES | Nov 19, 2019
- Miltias who have used the Refugee influx to present themselves as #Refugees Image
Read 30 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
It’s now official: there is a #coup within a coup in #BurkinaFaso. Little is known about coup leader Ibrahim Traoré. What we do know is that the coup came amid spiralling tensions within #MPSR. Here’s a look at the main points from tonight’s announcement and what led to this 🧵
1/ Damiba has been toppled by coup plotters who claim to belong to the #MPSR. Unclear at this stage where Damiba is. Sources mentioned earlier he had been arrested and negotiations revolved around the conditions of his departure from power
2/ Cpt. Ibrahim Traoré is the new #MPSR president. He was named Chef d’Artillerie du Dixième Régiment de Commandement d’Appui et de Soutien by Damiba in March 2022, but little else is known about him at this stage
Read 22 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
The coup attempt in #GuineaBissau yesterday came weeks after the military takeover in Burkina Faso and follows last year’s coups in Chad, Guinea, Sudan and Mali.

What drives these more frequent power grabs? The answer is:

it is complicated 🧵…
As most of these countries are situated in West Africa, it would be easy to think the drivers of these coups are the same across the board, but the reality is more complex:
The January 2022 coup in #BurkinaFaso followed a growing insecurity in the country, a rise in #jihadist militancy and an increasingly frustrated army, especially after a deadly attack on 14 November 2021 left 53 soldiers dead, the highest death toll ever in one single attack.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 23rd 2021
1. @JamaalBowmanNY says these @HouseDemocrats support removing US forces from #Syria. IMO that will let #Turkey murder #Kurds, #Christians & #Yazidi & install al-Qaeda terror zone. @RepRoKhanna @RepPeterDeFazio @Janshakowsky @RashidaTlaib @RepAndyLevin @RepCohen @RepRitchie
2. These members may be misguided. Lied to by #Turkey's lobbyists. Let them know, their support for Bowman's misguided #NDAA amendment could end their careers. Support all secular, democratic and gender equal Syria. Reject the enslavement of women.
3. The Syrians have done the fighting. We are in a purely advise and assist role. There have been almost no US force combat casualties in Syria. This was the one war we fought smart with local support who died by the thousands while we lost almost zero combat casualties.
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Jul 13th 2021
1. Here is clip from @POTUS nominee @JeffFlake on the decision to partner with who, at the time, were the #Kurdish #YPG #YPJ to stop the spread of #Daesh (aka #ISIS) in #Syria. This was after disastrous attempt to arm a #jihadist forces who simply gave their weapons to al-Qaeda.
2. I did some searches on Twitter timeline for that period of 2014. America was just waking up to the fact that the #Kurds were our best option to defeat #Daesh. There were risks but the decision has proven to be the correct one. Now under #AANES civilian authority backed by the
3. #SDF that includes Kurds, #Arabs and #Christians, Jeff Flake is a good choice and I applaud @joeBiden's @WhiteHouse and @JakeSullivan46 for thinking outside the box. I sincerely hope @SenatorMenendez
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Nov 5th 2020
#Netherlands #Rotterdam #Drawing #Jihadist

A jihadist cartoon has been hanging in a classroom in a Rotterdam school for five years. An image that has not bothered anyone over the years now becomes a problem.
The teacher who made the drawing is threatened and has to hide for security reasons. As the Dutch newspaper "NRC" reported, the drawing shows a decapitated man sticking his tongue out to a jihadist.
The man is wearing a T-shirt with the logo of the French satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo". On Monday, Muslim students at the Emmaus School said according to the "NRC" that the drawing by Joep Bertram was "blasphemous" and would offend them.
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Oct 17th 2020
1/15 Long thread on #ArmeniaAgainstTerrorism
Summary of reports and evidences of #jihadist groups currently fighting against #Armenia.
Compiled by Analyst Aram Khachatyan…
2/15 The first reports appeared in mid-July. First it was #Kurdish news Agency Firat @anfenglish, who reported about the corresponding decision of #Turkish authorities on July 18th and about the transportation of 200 #jihadists to #Azerbaijan.
3/15 Later there were some other #Kurdish sources (e.g. Hawar News Agency @enhawarnews) claiming the same. On Sep 22nd, few days prior to war, @LindseySnell, a prominent journalist published a photo supposedly with #Hamza group militants, in a plane arriving to #Baku via #Ankara.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 16th 2020

Islamic extremist attacks by Pakistani #jihadists in Kashmir, India:

A collaboration w/ terror expert @TheSkandar.

“I decided to raise my voice and become a voice for the voiceless. I represent that silent majority of #Kashmir who can’t raise the voice for fear... Image
Of getting killed at the hands of Jihadi terrorists.” -Al Skandar


Since the independence of India and the split between the Republic of India and the Islamic State of Pakistan, the region of Jammu and Kashmir has been in turmoil. Image
Located right on the border of India and Pakistan, this region legally belongs to #India - #Pakistan, however, has violently disputed this since the two countries separated in 1947 upon independence from Britain.
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Mar 2nd 2020
What power do we have in preventing the next white nationalist #terrorist attack? I draw from our brain scan studies of #jihadist supporters to give some insights in this @nytopinion vid. It means changing the way we talk in the aftermath of an attack. 1/…
"Terrorists rely on you and me and the way we speak about their crimes to increase the impact, the virtual blast radius, massively, from a small town to the whole nation... We have a power and responsibility to save lives, but it means changing the way we talk." 2/
"My colleagues and I carried out a bunch of psychological tests, including the first-ever brain scans of radicalized people. We didn’t find any evidence of mental illness, but what we did find were clues to what makes people willing to fight and die for their beliefs." 3/
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Jan 5th 2020
#BurgerKing #McDonalds & now #KFC have submitted to Islam by offering #sharia compliant halal menus❕

Many consumers are unaware that percentages of their purchases of Muslim «halal» (imam-certified) food products eventually end up in the hands of #jihadist organizations‼️⚠️👇🏼
⚠️🚩Consumers are unaware that percentages of their purchases of Muslim «halal» (imam-certified) food products eventually end up in the hands of jihadist organizations. Halal refers to any food product that can be eaten by observant Muslims.…
🔪Halal refers to any food product that can be eaten by observant Muslims. Anything other than halal is «haram» and prohibited for Muslims. Haram includes pork, blood, or meat from approved animals but which have been strangled or slaughtered with blunt knives.
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Nov 10th 2019
While demanding #humanitarian aid from across the #globe, the #Palestinian Authority spent $2.1 billion to fund #Islamic #terrorism between 2011 and 2018.
Billions of #dollars in foreign aid have been unaccounted for – money that was supposed to go to #Palestinian citizens under the oppressive and #militant #jihadist government run by President Mahmoud Abbas and the #Islamic #terrorist group #Hamas
money that supposedly went to programs that haven’t existed for many years.
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Jul 4th 2019
In the #alHawl refugee camp a #Daesh woman stabbed an #SDF soldier in the back. This is the first such case of aggression of #jihadist wives towards #Kurdish guards. Before they only threw stones on Western reporters and shouted praises for #ISIS. #Kurds gradually loose control.
UPD for the #AlHawl camp incident. One of the #ISIS relatives has stubbed an #Asayish police officer & disappeared. The camp is closed for a curfew, as the seek & search ops. are ongoing regarding the attacker. This makes us being assured, that all #Daesh people are #terrorists.
To prove a point we release this video taken on March, where #Daesh | #ISIS wives, who left the banks of the #Euphrates river, pour water and throw bottles (received as humanitarian aid from #SDF) onto journalists. They behave like scum or animals, making no pity for themselves.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 22nd 2019
24. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria🤨👇🏼…
Read 63 tweets
May 24th 2019
13. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria 😉👇🏼
2. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria 😉👇🏼
Read 97 tweets
May 23rd 2019
12. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria 😉👇🏼
2. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria 😉👇🏼
Read 84 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
Statement regarding the first anniversary of attacks on #Afrin
January 20, 2019 | Press Releases

1-The great resistance and struggle of the peoples of western Kurdistan (Rojava) and Northern Syria has created a unique association within the community.…
2-Our struggle which started as a battle against #ISIS in west of #Kurdistan evolved into a revolution which has stood against all kinds of invasion attempts.
3-Spending all its energy trying to legitimize its #occupation of #Syrian lands, #Turkey has resumed its efforts to stop the progress our forces have made in west #Kurdistan and to undermine the democratic and revolutionary development of our people.
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Aug 23rd 2018
SadaqaCoins has just sprung up. This is the first ever crowdsource site on the dark web made specifically for jihadi projects to be funded through cryptocurrency payments. Some projects involve funding for a larger tor server, 4x4's or sniper lessons...…
To clarify for those that are confused, SadaqaCoins is not a cryptocurrency. It is a site (like Kickstarter) the takes bitcoin and monero donations on crowdsourced jihad projects.
This dark web 'Kickstarter for Jihadis' offers translations in German and Turkish. This should be an alarm to authorities as to the origins of Jihadi financing via #Bitcoin from Europe. Image
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Jun 24th 2018
Growing up as a child between #Biu and #Maiduguri in the 80's and 90's left me with vivid memories. There were clear memories of affinity, of love, of trust, of sharing and good neighbourliness. #Maiduguri, to me, is the only place I want to retire to.

Today, the epitaph - home of peace, mock the state, its citizenry and govt. A crisis we all saw coming and I, in particular, wrote articles and reports in the New Sentinel and the Daily Trust, alerting the state of an impending threat to law and order, long before it occurred.
The official lines, then, was, the crisis "would fizzle out soon." Today, officials are pushing the same narrative. This is the wish of every well meaning citizen, but wishes are not horses. The evidence in Borno, especially rural areas, contrast sharply with official lines.
Read 14 tweets

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