I have questions.
Evidence shows that not only was there massive election fraud happening in Bladen and Robeson Counties, North Carolina…but it also indicates that it's been going on for years.
We now know that this is NOT just limited to Leslie McCrae Dowless.

Is it possible that EVERY politician representing these counties was unaware of this activity that seems to have SOLELY benefited the GOP?
Was everyone completely oblivious?
I think It's time for the following people to answer a few questions.
District: North Carolina State Senate 8
Includes: Bladen County
First elected: 2010

District: North Carolina State House 46
Includes: Bladen and Robeson County
First elected: 2016
Note: Ran unsuccessfully in 2014 and lost by 6.8% - ran again in 2016 and won by 23.92%, a massive 30% swing.

District: North Carolina State Senate 13
Includes: Robeson County
First elected: 2016
Note: This seat went for Democrats by 45.2% in 2012 and 25.6% in 2014.

Yes...particularly those who represented NC statewide.
But ALL of them should be asked - on the record and/or under oath - if they ever knew ANYTHING about these crimes.