Of all the 2018 state-level elections, NC’s may be the MOST IMPORTANT.
The GOP has taken over the state with naked power grabs and voter suppression tactics.
If you have any friends/family/followers in NC, spread this thread.
She faces 2 GOPers after a power grab by the NC GOP backfired. It’s a complicated story. Your vote is not.
Elect Anita.
Learn why here: justvotenonc.org
Democrats can cut that to an 8/7 advantage this year.
Here are the Democratic Candidates who need your vote:
Allegra Collins (@CollinsAllegra)
John Arrowood (incumbent) (@JudgeArrowood)
Toby Hampson (@TobyHampson4NC)
The bigger priority is the need to flip enough seats to strip the GOP of its supermajorities.
That means flipping *4* seats in the NC House and *6* seats in the NC Senate.
To the contenders...
North Carolina State Senate District 17 - Democrat Sam Searcy (@ElectSamSearcy)
North Carolina State Senate District 19 - Democrat Kirk deViere (@kdeviere)
North Carolina State Senate District 13 - Democrat Dr. John Campbell (@JohnCampbellNC)
North Carolina State Senate District 9 - Democrat Harper Peterson (@harper4ncsenate)
North Carolina State Senate District 39 - Democrat Chad Stachowicz (@chadstachowicz)
North Carolina State Senate District 7 - Democrat David Brantley (brantleyforsenate.com)
North Carolina State House District 98 - Democrat Christy Clark (@ChristyClarkNC)
North Carolina State House District 105 - Democrat Wesley Harris (@WesleyHarrisNC)
North Carolina State House District 35 - Democrat Terence Everitt (@TerenceEveritt)
North Carolina State House District 37 - Democrat Sydney Batch (@friendsforbatch)
North Carolina State House District 93 - Democrat Ray Russell (@RayRussellforNC)
North Carolina State House District 19 - Democrat Marcia Morgan (@ElectMMorgan)
North Carolina State House District 20 - Democrat Leslie Cohen (@LeslieCohenNC20)
North Carolina State House District 118 - Democrat Rhonda Cole Schandevel (@SchandevelForNC)
North Carolina State House District 75 - Democrat Dan Besse (@bessefornc)
North Carolina State House District 74 - Democrat Terri LeGrand (@LegrandNC2018)
#VoteBlueNoMatterWho in NC in 2018.
Also, the map images aren't great so here's the link to the full maps with more detailed info: