You're not a real developer if you weren't hacking when you were eight years old
You're not a real developer if you don't spend your spare time coding
You're not a real developer if you do it for the money
You're not a real developer if you've never heard of XKCD
You're not a real developer if you don't like Star Wars
You're not a real developer if you don't play video games
You're not a real developer if you don't read Hacker News and /r/programming
You're not a real developer if you've never gatekept about who's a real developer
You're not a real developer if you're too sincere
You're not a real developer if you don't feel an urge to tell everyone your strong opinion, weakly held
You're not a real developer if you wear makeup
You're not a real developer if you wear a suit
You're not a real developer if you cry
You're not a real developer if you're visibly pregnant
You're not a real developer if you care more about your family than your code
You're not a real developer if you're not a good cultural fit
You're not a real developer if you work in Lima, or Caracas, or Quito
You're not a real developer if you work in Surabaya, or Pasig, or Kuala Lumpur
You're not a real developer if you use PHP
You're not a real developer if you use COBOL
You're not a real developer if you DON'T use JavaScript
You're not a real developer if you don't know Lisp
You're not a real developer if you don't know Haskell
You're not a real developer if you don't use the command line
You're not a real developer if you can't type fast
You're not a real developer if you don't have a deep knowledge of algorithms
You're not a real developer if you don't know how a compiler works
You're not a real developer if you use an IDE
You're not a real developer if you don't use source control
You're not a real developer if you've never put anything on GitHub
You're not a real developer if you don't use patterns
You're unprofessional if you don't do TDD
(this one is true, actually)
Sadly, most of this is based on things I've actually heard :(
Originally inspired by a tweet from @SamWritesCode: