The menace and hate are traditional.
The lack of respect is traditional.
The casual entitlement is traditional.
The implied threat is traditional.
The inevitable violence is traditional.
This is what Trump gives them.
They don’t care about the rest.
But we know what.
It's traditional. It's the most American thing ever. We need to reckon with it if we're ever going to move on from it.
But he's not alone and it won't be over with him. He's taking his place as part of a long tradition, one we've never been honest about as a country.
Those who oppose doing so resent this attempt to guilt them.
And yes guilt is a part of telling the truth, but it's not the reason.
You don't lance a boil FOR the pus, but to expunge it.
I stand on the same shoulders as that kid. I choose not to participate as he does, and that's something, but I live as I live, and benefit as I do, because of where the "we" to which I inextricably belong stands.
Yes, and why do we have a culture of abuse anyway?
Who enables it, and for what benefit?
Let's tell our story true.
Yes, and that's what we want, too.
Ask us how we feel about reparations. Go on; ask.
In this country we only want to inherit wealth, never debt.
Let's close the centuries-long Age of Alternative Facts.
It's time to tell our story true.
Time to pay our bills.