JOHN KENNEDY JR. aka JFK JR—the legal fiction—is dead. The All-Caps name died a Commercial death in 1999.
Vatican property: Unam Sanctam + Cestui Que Vie + Birth Certificate
JFK JR. Is "Lost at Sea," but John Kennedy Jr.—the man—is very much alive and FREE!

A corporation is NOT a living thing... Therefore, no, JFK Jr. is not "alive."
Follow me?
How can we possibly confuse the distinction between people and corporations?
I mean, even a child can tell the difference, right?
Obviously, JFK Jr. is a person!! Not a corporation!
Chapter 11.7, that “Names of vessels… [examples given are] LUSITANIA [or] Lusitania.”
Chapter 3 "requires ... fictional entities, or those serving in corporate capacities to be in all capitalized letters...."
1. A "dead thing": (i.e. tombstone name)
2. A vessel
3. A fictional entity
4. Those serving in a corporate (dead) capacity
Did JFK Jr. cross the line back into the private? Back into private common law?
Have you met your strawman?
Voice analysis... Guess which of our favorite Patriots has an eerily similar voice as to John Kennedy Jr.?