
20th century
Iran’s “hanging judge”, Sadegh Khalkhali was responsible for the execution of more than 8,000 men and women including Iranian Kurds.

Execution of political prisoners:
From 1982 to 1986, more than 11,000 political prisoners and prisoners of conscience were killed by the firing squad or under torture in Iranian prisons.

Since the inception of the Islamic Republic in 1979, 202 Bahai’is have been executed for their beliefs including 18 year old Mona Mahmoudnizhad, who was hanged in Shiraz along with nine other women in 1983.

21st century
The Iranian regime has executed hundreds of political prisoners.
Shirin Alam Holi, 29, was hanged in 2010 along with 4 other political prisoners, convicted based on forced confession under torture.

21st century
Ali Saremi, who spent 32 years of his life in the prisons of the Shah and the Islamic Republic, was sentenced to “enmity with God” for ties with the PMOI and was executed in Evin Prison in 2010.

Dozens of protesters, activists and even environmentalists have been killed in the prisons of the Islamic Republic of #Iran.
Zahra Kazemi, an Iranian-Canadian freelance photographer, was raped, tortured & killed by Iranian officials following her arrest in 2003.

28 year old Taraneh Mousavi, arrested for protesting the 2009 election results, died after being sexually abused while in custody.

Amir Javadi Far, tortured to death in the notorious Kahrizak Detention Center for protesting 2009 election results.


Crack down on public dissent
The millions strong 2009 protests were crushed by the Iranian regime with more than 112 deaths.

Crack down on public dissent
The widespread 2017-2018 demonstrations in protest to poverty and inflation led to the death of 50 protesters and more than 5,000 detainees.

#Iran holds the record in the number of executions in the world per capita and is known for executing minor offenders. Under the current Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, more than 3,600 prisoners, including 86 women, were hanged.

According to Boroumand Foundation, between 2007 and 2017, the Islamic Republic of #Iran issued at least 215 amputation sentences and carried out 125 amputations, including at least six amputations in public.