With redevelopment in the works, this is a postcard nostalgia thread.
Here is a site plan to orient yourself...
Cc: @MichaelTibollo

@jacqui_land notes that this circular pond was filled in with concrete & refrigeration, becoming a roller/ice skating rink.

Architecturally significant work by local talent.
A cultural touchstone for a generation.
An integral part of the city’s image for some decades.

The old Progressive Conservative party exists today in name only. In reality, it is something different, smaller, meaner.
World-class. What does that mean? Sports and retail. More like world-crass.
The @OntarioPCParty once built things; today they just want to sell it off.

First, there is a recent Toronto Reference Library Blog post on Ontario Place. It has some amazing photos taken during the park’s original construction: torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/trl/2019/01/on…