Here's free strategy advice for you.
Chaos is coming.
In case you hadn't notice -Govt is aiming for Zero Deal Brexit.
There's no time left for your magic Brexit.
It's now btw Remain &Repressed-by-the-army Riots.
Now btw being People's Champion or Chaos enabler
Blame govt for not delivering magic Brexit.
"I could have blah blah, but they were in charge &*there's no time left*. *They* "stole your will" or something
This a Coup-I can't let that happen"
You're supposed to be the opposition's voice.
Take a megaphone and go for it.
There's no time left for toothless opposition.
Now is the time to stand for the many against the few.
Expose the myths, get the ctry back to reality
-I agree with that, really, I do. It's such an important issue.
But at the same time, I'm starting to wonder if this man lives in a parallel dimension where time does not go by in the same way than in our reality?
Focus on the now?
A clear, principled stance in accordance with Labour values, and focused on the critical issues that the UK is facing right now will do.