We've been busy planning for the #snow and ice so we can continue serving our communities in the way they expect. To help us do this, we're asking you to consider you options before contacting us - in some cases, others may be better placed to help.

• Power cuts/damaged lines: 105
• Openreach Damage Reports: 0800 023 2023
• @CarmsCouncil: 01267 234567
• @Pembrokeshire: 01437 764551
• @CeredigionCC: 01545 570881
• @PowysCC: 01597 826000
• @trafficwales: 0300 123 1213
• Clear all windows before driving
• Take your time
• Beware of ice on roads, pavements and cycle routes
• Give cyclists and motorcyclists extra room
For more information, visit our Newsroom >>> dyfed-powys.police.uk/en/newsroom/pr…
For weather updates, visit: metoffice.gov.uk
For updates on road closures, visit: traffic.wales