GO ON THEN. A thread about our values and project outcomes! 🌟🙌🏿🙌🏾👩🏻💻👩🏿💻👨🏼💻👨🏾💻😬🥰💖🥳
Before I dig into them I want to give a quick shout out to Georgia Aitkenhead who wrote the first draft based on our long conversations. THANK YOU Georgia!

Now, I hate the term impact because its been ruined by the marketisation of academia via the REF. But in this context impact means we are committed to doing work that positively impacts #Autistic people's lives as quickly as possible.

This project will be built in deep collaboration with the #Autistic #CitizenScience contributors.
This value is heavily inspired and informed by the #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs philosophy from #DisabilityRights advocacy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_A…

We will maintain the highest ethical standards of #DataManagement and #DataProtection. We will build accessible and transparent consent models - in collaboration with the #Autistic #CitizenScientists to ensure these are clear and meet their needs.

While the data will be available under managed access, all code and protocols will be build openly and shared with an #OpenSource license to permit the highest levels of adoption, re-use and improvement.

We are committed to #equity for all. All members of the project will be expected to recognise and identify barriers to inclusion and actively work to remove them. We will build and maintain a community that is supportive of difference.

We will not tolerate #bullying or #harassment. We will ensure that all community members have accessible pathways to report unacceptable conduct. No member of the team is above the requirement to treat each other with #respect and #acceptance.

What I love about these is how - when I re-read them - I can see so clearly the ways they will empower us to build and grow our team.
✨ Online #CitizenScientist platform
✨ Curated #FAIR dataset
✨ Two (hopefully overlapping) #Communities (#CitizenScientists and #Developers)
✨ A few suggested publications to share what we've learned

But the core values are fixed. We stand together.
(The exact wording can be adjusted if they're badly phrased - please send any suggestions!!)
Please let me know if you have any questions. And please share widely!!
Here's a thread of threads about the post that I've written over the last couple of weeks:
I'm really sorry about that.
If you can't see the pictures, they're screenshots of the text in the values doc: turing.ac.uk/sites/default/…
Here's a great blog post explaining why it sucks to tweet pictures of text: blog.adrianroselli.com/2014/12/dont-t…
and a news article about it: independent.co.uk/life-style/gad…