The Republican Party doesn't exist. It's just a shell, and we've been getting royally fooled for decades. Follow along. #QAnon
Some'd argue Bush tax cuts, Gingrich balanced budget.
For me, it's all the way back to Reagan & ending the Cold War. Since then, R's have started a few wars, but name me anything REAL. #QAnon
In good faith.
Look where we are today. 30+ years on. What have Republicans done? #QAnon

Bush did nothing about the border, just like every Republican in every office after him. A few tried. Nothing happened. Now we're in crisis. #QAnon
How? The C_A. His presidency was a reward for killing Kennedy, but in that deal with the devil, he handed the party over to them and it's been the Great Republican Shell Party ever since. #QAnon
Why? No Republican party. They are the Fox News of politics: CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. FAKE NEWS. FAKE PARTY. #QAnon
Bush 1 & 2, warmonger globalists
Gingrich, serial cheater
Denny Hastert, PEDOPHILE!
Paul Ryan, Soros puppet
John McCain, too much to name
Mitt Romney, RINO
Trent Lott, corruption convict
John Boehner, RINO
Tom Delay, slime
Dick Cheney?
Seeing a pattern?
During the Tea Party era, people started to wake up to this ineptness. A few gains were made, and today we have a few real classic Republicans in the Freedom Caucus.
But we're ignoring the obvious: this party is fake. #QAnon
Compromise or threaten them.
The goals of the New World Order are what rule America now. #QAnon
What came next? The Clintons. Their obsession with the C_A make more sense now? Clinton came from the Barry Seal Arkansas era of C_A drug trafficking. In C_A terms, Clinton was a made man. #QAnon
30 yrs of subversion groundwork laid, he was just there to move a few dials & sound good on camera. #QAnon
The military
Southern border congressional districts
Identity politics
Muslim Brotherhood
Net neutrality
Iran deal
100's more. It's endless.
Why? #QAnon
It becomes easy when you spend 30+ years eliminating any shadow of responsible journalism and replace it with propaganda and fund it with our tax dollars.
Meanwhile, Republicans just sat there & did f___ all. #QAnon
Are we to really believe the Republican problem is that they are too nice as many have speculated?
If you do, you're REALLY naive.
No. The problem is they're fake.
And Trump has exposed it badly. #QAnon
First, this thread I wrote the other day. Protecting the Military Industrial Complex comes WAY above party to these Republicans. Huge tell, red flag city. #QAnon
Are you kidding??
This is not inept people in office. This is a fake party feeding money to the other side intentionally because they are controlled opposition. #QAnon
The other day I said 👇 without understanding why, but I do now. It's a mental shift: MAGA's not Republican. Rewind The Matrix DVD & take the blue pill if you think Republicans represent you. #QAnon