(a collection of 17 memos containing UNVERIFIED allegations against @realDonaldTrump) scribd.com/document/40193…

“Steele Dossier” on @realDonaldTrump .

“I gave it to NO ONE.. except for the dir of FBI (Dirty Cop Comey)
Then wondered aloud: "I don’t know why you’re digging this up now.?”😳
🤚🏽revealed in his deposition📖
"he had been in contact with 14 journalists & producers about the dossier."
@ABC Brian Ross/Matt Mosk
@BuzzFeed Ken Bensinger
@CNN Carl Bernstein
@guardian Julian Borger
@McClatchy Peter Stone/Greg Gordon
@MotherJones David Corn
@NPR : Bob Little/Rachel Martin
@washingtonpost Tom Hamburger/Rosalind Helderman/Fred Hiatt
@WSJ Allan Cullison
Kramer testified that he was initially approached about the Steele dossier on Nov 19, 2016, by Sir Andrew Wood, the former British ambassador to
🗣️📣"RUSSIA!" in a mtg at Halifax Sec Forum in Nova Scotia, Canada. independent.co.uk/news/world/ame…
Notably, Wood worked on behalf of Steele’s company, Orbis Bsn Intel; ... washingtonpost.com/politics/hero-…
Kramer said that Wood told him “he was aware of information that he thought I should be aware of and that 👉🏽🤬👈🏽Senator McCain might be interested in.” foxnews.com/politics/insid…

Woods told McCain
he was concerned that Trump might be "vulnerable to blackmail."
Kramer ascribed the word 🗣️📣“COLLUSION!” three times to Wood in his deposition.
No such video was EVER uncovered or given to Kramer.
~How To Sneak The Dirty Dossier to a Shifty @realDonaldTrump -Hating; Sitting US Senator, WHO HAD BETRAYED THE US, WHILE ASSISTING THE ENEMY IN VIETNAM, Named John McCain.

“[McCain] turned to me & asked if I would go to London to meet Mr. Steele.
☎️Wood called Steele asked him to arrange a mtg with Kramer.
At the same time,
☎️Kramer called Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS👈🏽co-author of the Dossier.
And the plan was hatched.
He was instructed to go to the Baggage Claim area and
👁️👁️look for a man reading "the Financial Times."🗞️
Once he approached the man, they exchanged pre-arranged code words.
🧐Former MI6 British Spook,
And Co-@realDonaldTrump Hater
Christopher Steele,
The Dossier Co-Author.
Together, they traveled to Steele’s home, they reviewed the Dossier &
🤫👉🏽spoke to Glen Simpson abt sending it by encrypted email.
In response to a question regarding Steele’s sources, Kramer noted
“there was a piece of paper in which 'the names' were there.”
Q: “Were any of the names people with whom you were already familiar because of your background in Russia?”
Kramer: “Yes”
when he indicated that AT LEAST ONE of the names was:
Under further questioning, Kramer noted,
“Two of the other names also seemed to be "'SERIOUS' ...
Then it went to McCain, whose 'prestige' further enhanced the seriously flawed document. published.
And, finally, as a document that had been shown to the president by the FBI, it was sufficiently rehabilitated to be published. thepoliticalinsider.com/obama-spy-trum…
Before McCain agreed to play middleman, Dossier authors at Fusion were gnashing their teeth in frustration at their inability to get major media in the US to cover their toilet paper.
Until This👉🏽theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
The Dossier purported to chronicle a mtg that NEVER happened btwn @realDonaldTrump lawyer Michael Cohen & top Russian Intel Officers in Prague.
But Cohen has never been to Prague. foxnews.com/politics/cohen…
Sir Andrew had cultivated a relationship with McCain and Kramer as they shared the podium at several anti-Russian and pro-Ukraine conferences.
That Kindled MASSIVE HATE from McCain.
The Dossier Was McCain's REVENGE.
via @YouTube
The assignment 2bring the Dossier to public view was his opportunity
And costing US Taxpayers Well Over $25,000,000 Million& Counting
Now Comey had a legitimate excuse to consider the dossier & to pass it to Obama, congressional leaders, & possibly the media.
And THAT Folks, That’s How the Entire 🗣️📣"RUSSIAN COLLUSION!" investigation thingy got started.
Also, according to Kramer, Steele said he “did NOT feel that he was in a position to vouch for everything that was produced in this.”
Kramer suggested that McCain “provide a copy of [the dossier] to the Director of the FBI and the Director of the CIA."
McCain provided a copy to then-CIA Director John Brennan.
Notably, Brennan did attach a 2-page summary of the dossier to the intel community assessment that he delivered to outgoing Pres Barack Obama on Jan 5, 2017.
Kramer said that he was not aware of the content of McCain’s Dec. 9 discussion with Comey, noting that he “did not get any readout from The Senator on the meeting, but just that it had happened.”
🤚🏽📖“It was mostly to inform [Steele & Simpson] abt whether or not The Senator [McCain] had transfer..transmitted the document [Dossier] to the FBI [Comey]. Both he & Mr. Steele were..
🤚🏽📖"...I [Kramer] kept them [Steele & Simpson] apprised of whether The Senator [McCain] was ..where The Senator [McCain] was in terms of his contact with the FBI [Comey]”
Mr. Kramer, Is a PRIVATE CITIZEN, was providing updates to a former British spy (Christopher Steele) as to what a sitting US Senator (John McCain) was saying to the director of the FBI (James Comey)😳🤫
According to UK court documents, Kramer, on behalf of McCain, had asked Steele to provide any further intel he had gathered relating to “alleged Russian interference in the US Presidential election.”
We know Kramer received the final memo prior to Dec. 29...when Kramer met with BuzzFeed reporter Ken Bensinger.
Kramer showed a copy of the dossier to BuzzFeed News reporter Ken Bensinger on Dec. 29, 2016, during a mtg at the McCain Institute, which, according to Kramer, “was closed for the holidays during that whole week.”
😳1/2 hour On The Toilet👈🏽🤢
Now were was I...?
Ah yes, Kramer...
~Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) 👈🏽
~House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Chief of Staff, Jonathan Burks. 👈🏽
The ICA on alleged Russian hacking was released internally on Jan. 5, 2017.
to discuss the ICA & the dossier with
~National Sec Adviser Susan Rice
~FBI Director Comey,
~Deputy AG Sally Yates.
😉Rice would later send herself a CYA email documenting the mtg. judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/…

🤚🏽📖According to his deposition, Kramer testified,
“I believe my words were
Co-Author of The Dossie Christopher Steele,
~Clapper Resigned & CNN hired him
~McCain Died
~Comey was Fired
~Crooked Walks
~@realDonaldTrump Fights
Yet Mueller's TAXPAYER FUNDED Hunt Conts