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Trump’s circle is still in legal peril: “the biggest legal minefield here is the number of different offices looking at this,” said Berit Berger, a former federal prosecutor who’s now at Columbia Law School. “You can’t say they’re all witch hunts.” chicagotribune.com/news/nationwor…
As we wait for Barr to reveal the Mueller Report, let’s review.

This article provides a good overview of the many ongoing investigations into TeamTrump all of which are being handled by the DOJ or have been framed out to other jurisdictions.
Remember Mueller’s focus is narrow.
📌Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating the Trump Organization and his 2016 campaign for possible campaign finance violations.

📌They’ve also issued subpoenas to Trump’s inaugural committee.
📌The New York state attorney general is looking into the president’s charity.

📌And his ex-fixer Michael Cohen told Congress that there are other active federal probes into the business that he couldn’t discuss.
📌Although a DOJ legal OPINION states that it would be too disruptive to indict a sitting president, the continuing inv’ns could pose legal trouble for Trump after he leaves office & more immediately for the people and organizations close to the president.
📌However, the above is merely an OPINION.

📌If issues of our NatSec lie at center, & if indeed the evidence shows Trump is an asset of hostile foreign nation(s) working against the best interest of America that IMHO would override any issues of ‘disruptiveness’.
💣Trump campaign finance💣

📌For all of Trump’s tweets railing against Mueller, the potentially more dangerous investigation for the president is one run by federal prosecutors in New York.
📌Among topics they’ve pursued are campaign-finance violations and misleading public statements about the Trump Organization’s business pursuits in Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.
📌Those payments could be considered illegal campaign contributions if they are found to have aided Trump’s candidacy.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
📌Trump campaign solicits illegal foreign donations despite warnings
📌The investigation could strike at the heart of Trump’s business, because prosecutors in NY are looking at whether others at the Trump Org might have broken campaign-finance laws.
💣Trump’s business💣

📌In testimony to Congress, Cohen named three top Trump Org executives who might know about potential insurance or bank fraud at the real-estate development company.
Cohen also said he was unable to discuss certain other topics related to Trump’s business because of his assistance with active investigations by federal prosecutors in New York.
💣Trump’s inaugural committee💣

Federal prosecutors in New York are also looking at whether foreign money was funneled into Trump’s inaugural committee in violation of the law.

They’re examining allegations of money laundering, false statements & fraud,
📌Including suspicions that service providers were asked to accept off-the-books payments directly from financial donors,
📌📌Prosecutors in Washington have already secured one conviction in a prosecution spun off by Mueller’s team.
📌As part of a plea agreement, Sam Patten, a Washington lobbyist and associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, admitted helping a Ukrainian oligarch obtain an inaugural invite by funneling a $50,000 contribution through a straw donor.
📌Sam Petton is cooperating with federal prosecutors admitted he steered $50,000 from a Ukrainian politician to Trump’s inaugural committee — the first public confirmation that illegal foreign money was used to help fund the January 2017 event.
📌This I believe is a warning shot & foreshadows much more of the same coming down the pipeline:

👉🏼FEC fines Jeb Bush super PAC and a Chinese company $1 million over foreign interference in 2016 election
📌The New Jersey attorney general has sent a separate civil subpoena to the Inaugural committee
💰Elliot Broidy 💰

📌Remember Trump’s money men Broidy & Cohen served as RNC chairs.

💣Trump Foundation💣

Trump also faces a legal battle that is beyond his reach as head of the federal government’s executive branch: NYS alleges in a civil action that he used his personal charity as a checkbook for political and business aims.
📌Trump Foundation Will Dissolve, Accused of ‘Shocking Pattern of Illegality’

In December, the Donald J. Trump Foundation agreed to go out of business to resolve part of the legal dispute brought by the state’s attorney general, who says the foundation and the Trump presidential campaign coordinated with each other illegally.
📌The lawsuit names not only the president but also his eldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, and his daughter, Ivanka.
📌The Donald J. Trump Foundation and Eric Trump Foundation have shifted hundreds of thousands of dollars intended for charity to the Trump Organization, the president’s family business conglomerate.
📌The NY AG may not be the only authority scrutinizing the foundation. When the office went public with its case, it said that it had sent letters of referral to the IRS & FEC for further investigation of possible crimes.
💣A WikiLeaks connection💣

An enduring mystery is whether Trump or anyone affiliated with his pursuit of the presidency was aware of Russia’s efforts to disrupt the election and even coordinated with the Russians.

♥️of Mueller Probe
📌Roger Stone was in close contact with Trump campaign about WikiLeaks, indictment shows

📌Roger Stone’s Indictment is linked with the 7/13/18 Indictment of 13 GRU officers.

📌Expect superseding Indictment.

📌Trump Donor Asked Data Firm If It Could Better Organize Hacked Emails

📌Exchange between Rebekah Mercer and Cambridge Analytica’s CEO shows efforts to leverage Hillary Clinton-related messages
An answer could come by way of Roger Stone, a longtime Trump ally and early campaign staffer. Mueller has charged Stone with crimes including lying to lawmakers about his interactions with WikiLeaks...
Before it released Democratic National Committee emails stolen by state-sponsored Russian hackers to embarrass Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton.
📌Late GOP Activist Peter W. Smith Met With Former Trump Adviser Michael Flynn in 2015

📌Email and interviews indicate the Republican operative who sought to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails had established a relationship with Mr. Flynn

📌The Roger Stone indictment fills in new details about WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign

📌Mueller’s prosecutors say Stone was directed by members of Trump’s campaign to contact WikiLeaks as it was releasing the hacked emails.
📌Cohen testified that he overheard a phone call in which Stone gave Trump advance word that WikiLeaks would soon release hacked Democratic emails.
📌Stone has pleaded not guilty to Mueller’s charges and vowed not to cooperate, but the case could still yield information about possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia as the prosecution proceeds.
💣Was Russia listening?💣

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find those 30,000 emails,”

📌Trump said at a televised campaign rally on July 27, 2016, referring to missing Clinton messages.
📌📌Hours later, Russian intelligence agents waged a computer attack on the Democrats, prosecutors say.
📌What Intelligence Agencies Concluded About the Russian Attack on the U.S. Election
📌How the Russians broke into the Democrats' email

📌Russia’s hackers long tied to military, secret services
Moscow is accused of waging a global campaign of cyber attacks since 2007, with hackers' abilities developed from tradition of excellent computing skills dating back to Soviet era
📌The national security division of the Justice Department is still pursuing a dozen Russian intelligence agents charged with carrying out the attacks.
📌That inquiry could reveal more about the scale of Russian efforts to help Trump, including whether Trump himself had any knowledge of those activities.

♥️of Mueller probe
💣Next stop, Congress💣

📌House DEMs are cutting a wide swath in their oversight & investigations of Trump and his adm’s activities, underscored by the sweeping document requests by the House Oversight Committee to the WH & multiple federal agencies.
📌Lines of inquiry include whether any foreign actor has sought to compromise Trump or the people around him and whether Russians were laundering money through his business.
They also include Deutsche Bank AG’s years-long business dealings with Trump and his family, Trump’s unreleased tax returns, the White House’s practices in approving security clearances and payments to Trump-owned properties from foreign governments.
📌Trump Ordered Officials to Give Jared Kushner a Security Clearance
📌Trump Still Makes Money
From His Properties

Is This Constitutional?

💣Other topics of interest to lawmakers include:

📌Family and friends. DonJr. and Kushner, participated in a now-notorious meeting at Trump Tower in New York in the summer of 2016, in which a Kremlin-linked lawyer professed to offer dirt on Clinton.
📌The 8 people who were in the room when Donald Trump Jr. met with the Russian lawyer at Trump Tower to get dirt on Clinton
📌The lawyer was also seeking an end to U.S. sanctions against Russia. Trump himself helped draft a misleading statement about the meeting, saying it dealt with American adoptions of Russian children.
Natalia Veselnitskaya the Russian lawyer whose role in a 2016 meeting at Trump Tower has come under scrutiny from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III was charged Tuesday with obstructing justice in a separate money-laundering investigation.
📌📌The January 8 announcement of the unsealing of an indictment of Russian attorney Natalya Veselnitskaya represents a much needed victory in the struggle with Russian information operations against the United States.

📌More to come re Veselnitskaya
💣Moscow TT pursuit💣

📌Cohen admitted that he lied in congressional testimony to stay consistent with Trump’s claim that his company stopped pursuing a Moscow high-rise project before the start of the 2016 presidential primaries.
📌In fact, Cohen said, the talks went on until June 2016 — by which time Trump had all but locked up the Republican presidential nomination and RU operatives were already trying to bolster Trump’s presidential prospects with computer attacks on the DNC.
Trump and others in the Trump Organization were aware of the pursuit of the Moscow tower throughout, Cohen said as part of his guilty plea, adding that he talked to Trump about traveling to Russia for the project, a trip that didn’t ultimately materialize.
💣Saudi alliance.💣

📌The House Oversight Committee is investigating the Trump administration’s ties to Saudi Arabia, including whether members of his administration pushed for a Saudi nuclear plan over security officials’ objections.
📌The deal might have benefited associates of Michael Flynn, the former Trump campaign official and national security adviser who has admitted that he lied about his contacts with Russians.

📌Flynn nuke deal

Whistleblowers Raise Grave Concerns with Trump Administration’s Efforts to Transfer Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudi Arabia
💣Khashoggi Murder💣

Khashoggi’s murder was planned and carried out by Saudi state officials,

Khashoggi was the victim of a "brutal and premeditated killing, planned and perpetrated by officials of the State of Saudi Arabia,”
📌Did the Trump Administration Fail Its “Duty to Warn” Jamal Khashoggi?

How U.S. Directive 191 Applies to Kidnapping Threats
📌Year Before Killing, Saudi Prince Told Aide He Would Use ‘a Bullet’ on Khashoggi

Intercepted conversations revealed evidence that the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, considered killing Jamal Khashoggi long before his death in Istanbul.

📌2016: Saudi journalist banned from media after criticising Trump
Jamal Khashoggi’s weekly column in Al Hayat newspaper was not published this week, after appearing every Saturday for almost 5 years
💣Other strands💣

Other investigations that started with Mueller’s team and are now winding through the courts could blow back on Trump or people around him:
Mr. Brexit

The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked
How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions
📌What Did Cambridge Analytica Do During The 2016 Election?
📌📌📌Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House
📌The FBI probe into possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election has reportedly turned its focus on Jared Kushner. Kushner–President Trump’s son-in-law and close aide who recently orchestrated the President’s trips to Saudi Arabia,
2016 - Brad Parscale:

“We have three major voter suppression operations under way”

💣Project Alamo💣

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica worked side by side at a Trump campaign office in San Antonio

TT, AB & SH Servers

Why The Alfa Bank Mystery Is Key To Understanding Trump-RU Collusion

"Uncanny" series of events and seeming "coincidences" are anything but in the Russia scandal. That makes chasing the mystery of the Alpha Bank servers imperative.
📌Trump Tower, Alpha Bank & Spectrum Health Server communications w/ Cambridge Analytica

📌We have heard remarkably little about this key aspect of Trump Russia - next shoe?

📌Was There a Connection Between a Russian Bank and the Trump Campaign?

📌A team of computer scientists sifted through records of unusual Web traffic in search of answers.
📌📌FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization
💣Mystery witness💣

News reports and court filings have provided glimpses of an effort by Mueller to get information from an unidentified foreign company. The company resisted Mueller’s requests for information
📌The U.S. Supreme Court upheld an appeals court order fining the company $50,000 a day for failing to comply with a grand jury subpoena.
📌Campaign links. Did the Trump campaign coordinate strategy with the RUs to gain an electoral advantage? Mueller’s case against Manafort, Trump campaign chairman & consultant to Ukrainian politicians friendly with the Kremlin, contains potential clues.
📌📌Mueller’s filings black out most sections that appear to detail Manafort’s interactions with Konstantin Kilimnik, his longtime fixer in Ukraine who U.S. authorities believe has ties to Russian intelligence.
📌📌But a recent filing that was redacted badly revealed the Mueller team’s suspicions that Manafort shared internal polling data on the 2016 election with Kilimnik.
📌📌The disclosure suggests that one part of Mueller’s probe focused on whether Kilimnik may have served as a back channel through Manafort to Russia during the election.
📌📌How Manafort’s 2016 meeting with a Russian employee at New York cigar club goes to ‘the ♥️’ of Mueller’s probe


📌What Happened in the Grand Havana Room?

📌Intriguing Connections Emerge from Mueller Probe Deep Dive
📌What role did hackers & spy tools play in the 2016 election to present?

CyberWarFare Tools & Methods

📌Online Trump trolls silencing Trump Critics:

Far-right trolls are manipulating Twitter into silencing journalists and Trump critics
Twitter is getting played.

📌Two Notorious 'Alt-Right' Figures May Play Key Roles in Russia Investigation

'Trump's Troll' Johnson, neo-Nazi hacker 'weev' implicated in Peter Smith's futile scheme to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails from dubious sources.
💣Mystery lender.💣

An unidentified benefactor lent more than $1 million to Manafort’s family through a Nevada company just as his legal battles were beginning. Mueller wants a court to force the company to reveal the initial source of the money
📌Mueller Investigating $1 Million Manafort Loan
📌Let’s not forget the NRA - Butina - GOP - CPAC - Trump Campaign & Russia connections still under investigation.

📌The Russia ties of NRA bigwigs are political and legal headaches that won’t go away

I hope this overview illustrates how we are just at the beginning of the Trump Russia prosecutions.

Ignore the idiot talking heads saying there will be no further TrumpRU prosecutions.

You can be assured Mueller has a huge number of seal indictments filed 🚩DOJ
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