So taking it little seriously for a while...
Can there be any body more responsible for #HigherEducation Research than these ...
Still a Prof who is not even eligible.. resigns ..and Media wines ..
for 3000 most meritorious PhDs ..
to pursue prestigious PhD in frontier area of science & Technology
With fellowship of 80k more than most faculty across India !! @shaileshkpandey
More than faculty at IITs 😐
Media: Rule for ALL PhDs
Prof of English in a university : I Resign because "irrelevant areas" are not allowed for such distinguished fellowship of 80,000/- !
Ex MoS HRD : bla bla bloo bloo
Non eligible Faculty in English: Govt asking to create a database of Proposals in S&T ..**I resign**
Ex MoS HRD: bla bla bloo bloo
Pic 2: Reasons of Resignation by the Faculty
Pic 3: The Awesome Scheme
Pic 4: And the TRUTH !!
... Awesome Job @PrakashJavdekar 👌😄