6 years ago, 7 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
You know how we artificially back our currency today? Taxation??? No, that is substantively how we do it today. No, the real answer is austerity. We back our currency by forced unemployment and misery.
What in the world would make "progressives" more focused on false evidence appearing real (F.E.A.R.) than the truth?
One can only speculate as the the "why" behind it.
But one thing is absolutely clear. The wealthy have benefited from the brazen recalcitrance of "the left" and their heroes who have, in essence, conceded the war and have chosen to back our currency with NAIRU or government forced unemployment via monetary policy.
So, remember the next time someone has the sac to say "the value of muh dollar" remind them it isn't the petrodollar holding it up... it is forced misery on the poor and the destitute. Fuck eating our peas. #EndAusterity #StopNeoliberalism
NAIRU is the new gold standard.

Time to institute the Labor Standard and peg the economy to jobs via a Federal Job Guarantee.

#LearnMMT #eachoneteachone #federaljobguarantee #GreenNewDeal #nopaygo #wearetherevolution #RealProgressives
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