I need to clarify that secession from Canada May be the option eventually realized.
I wrote that megathread because JWR is going about it underhandedly.
Not because FN are so mistrustful of the Canadian population. That I understand very well.
Even though I’m fair skinned, I’ve been forced to endure the helplessness of witnessing discrimination towards my siblings and my mother my entire life.
It was when I was 10. At a grocery store, my mother, two brothers & I met her by chance.
She saw us too. She appeared shocked and uncomfortable. She immediately turned her cart and started walking away.
I watched it happen daily to my brothers.
Being hated for being born Aboriginal affects you mentally. It makes you feel worthless. It doesn’t matter how many times you’re told by family you matter. To the rest of the world you do not.
For FN it’s unbearable. Not only do strangers reject you, your government does too. I encourage everyone to read about the last 150 years and how FN have been treated. Most are unaware of the injustice
FN lived under apartheid like conditions for several generations.
It might come as a shock to mainstream Canadians, but considering what FN have been through, and the current global rise in white supremacy, it’s surprising it hasn’t happened sooner.
My life has always been off reserve. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering FN endure.
Just like Trump tapped into the severely stressed middle & working class, domestic & foreign interests have promised relief & safety in exchange for oil & gas.
Rhetoric criticizing demands for FN freedom from despair is interpreted as proof reconciliation is impossible.
If you truly want reconciliation, engage not condemn.
Of all the people in Canada who deserve that opportunity, it’s FN & the 3 other indigenous peoples.
This article describes it in detail. A summary is in screen shot below.