Rightfully so.
We are seeing historic #’s of families with children unlawfully crossing the border.
At this point no one can deny this is a serious humanitarian crisis that threatens to overwhelm our capabilities.
- Conditions at home are bad; &
- Know if they arrive with children we have to allow them to enter pending a hearing
But it’s well known in Cent Am that if you arrive with children & claim asylum you have very good chance of being released with a work permit pending a hearing 2 years from now.
1. Fix asylum loopholes. Make clear that only those facing persecution are eligible for asylum;
2. Overturn 9th circuit rulings that expanded the Flores agreement
3. Expedite pending hearing by providing more $ judges & housing
And they accuse anyone who disagrees of being anti-immigrant.
But what we have now is border chaos. It is diverting resources from other needs & making it impossible to deal with other aspects of immigration reform.
But the solution to their problems is not illegal migration.
Nothing compassionate about luring them to bring their children (or send them with strangers) on a long, dangerous & illegal journey.