Here's a thread on why that's not right IMO. 1/Thread
But let's see what he DID mean... /2
Hmm...that's a new Brexit trilemma. All three of those can't be true at same time. /5
And EU ambassadors have show solidarity on this point... /6
Will the UK do that, in a 'no deal' world? Would the politics play that way? Hmm. /7…
“If the EU imposes tariffs of 19p per litre, you need to put that into context of an average pricefor milk of 26/27p per litre,” he explains. /12
As @JP_Biz likes to remind us, you cannot put a RIFID chip on a load of milk.
But what about hard goods..say textiles? Well I asked someone about that too. /13
I don't mean to trivialise. On the contrary. But that's one example of where, without derogations, and big ones, the border quickly can't function. /17…

get so frustrated with being told that MaxFac can work, if the EU really wanted. /20
No wonder Malthouse Compromise people didn't even dare to visit @BorderIrish when invited by NI trade groups. /21