Thread Below 👇 Take cover, because its Knowledge Bombs all the way down!💣🐢💣🐢💣🐢 /1

1. Why ecosystem stewardship is important
2. Why ecosystem stewardship inflation funding is the right approach
3. How to design it.

In a system without sybil-resistant identity, there is a “tradeoff between either failing to incentivize legitimate public goods or over-subsidizing plutocracy” @VitalikButerin


RESPECT ✌️ Nadia
Read “Roads and Bridges” here =>…

Check it out here =>…

Then he received a YOLO grant from @vitalikbuterin 📈

Well, if we could fund public goods in Ethereum, we could
1. Accelerate ETH 1.x/2.0
2. Reduce that chances of black swan event (cough, DAOHack, cough)
3. Create an incentive for great developers (cough, @austingriffith, cough) to join the space.


There are lots of teams building ETH 2.0; Most are funded to the tune of $10k-$500k by EF Grants, Gitcoin Grants, Consensys, a @VitalikButerin YOLO Grant, or the Parity ICO

RESPECT to @ethereumJoseph ; who funds my paycheck and the paycheck for the whole team at @gitcoin rn. 🙌


This is an exciting idea; but it’s unknown how many would keep this fee on if it’s optional. This is also somewhat limited to wallets only, and there’s a time preference issue at play.

(Disclosure: Codefund is a @gitcoin project)


<shill>Round 2 CLR Matching is live until 4/19. Contrib @ </shill>


We MUST solve it. Because if Ethereum doesn’t win; then we’ll all be tipping our devs in #XRPtheStandard

slides @…