Time for those paradigms to die, according to Gilder.
Keynesians believe it comes from gov’t spending
Monetarists believe it comes from expanding money supply / central bank reduction of interest rate
Gilder: “Supply creates its own demand.”
Since 2008:
•619 interest rate reductions
•9 trillion of govt debt issued with negative interest rates
•10 trillion quantitative easing
•US fed balance sheet went from 500 billion to 4.5 trillion
- Assumes that that velocity is constant and predictable and thus government can control money supply.
- Fail to see the entrepreneur as central cause, rather than a byproduct, of economic growth.
Capitalism is not chiefly an incentive system—it’s an information system.
Wealth is created by the learning curves that result from falsifiable experiments in entrepreneurship by economic actors in mostly free market economies.
Fundamentally, Wealth is *knowledge*.
Neanderthal in cave had all material resources that we have today.
The main difference btw our age & stone age is the increase in knowledge.
Learning doesn’t come from expanding money supply or fiscal stimulus—it comes from entrepreneurship.
They key to learning is that businesses be allowed to fail .
If outcome is guaranteed, it’s neither knowledge nor growth.
Learning always comes as a “surprise” to us, otherwise we’d “plan” it (ie socialism)
Entrepreneurs bring that surprise, or high entropy system, which must be combined with a low entropy carrier—a predictable channel with no surprises
Money is *time*.
Money translates the real scarcity of our lives into the economy in ways that permit learning and growth.
Time is what remains scarce when everything else becomes abundant.
Manipulating the value of money, whether by printing currency or artificially suppressing interest rates, does not create wealth.
But it power cannot order wealth — new knowledge—into being.
Smith’s vision of the entrepreneur as a tool of the market rather than its creator constitutes the original sin of what we call “demand-side” economics.
This implied that once market need was met, growth would stagnate.
It also implied that if the entrepreneur didn’t fill the market need, another would. That they were in some sense, replaceable (and inevitable).
While gov’t power can increase $ volume, it can't enhance $ value.
Value is an expression of entrepreneurial knowledge.
Capital is not merely a flow of power, it is an accumulation of specific knowledge.
It aligns power with knowledge.
Low interest rates = investment & spending easier
From information theory POV however, interest rate represents opportunity cost of spending now.
When you enact 0 interest rate - signals there is 0 opp cost, 0 avg yield from investments across economy.
Ticking of interest rate forces entrepreneurs to shoot rather than passing the ball= maintaining optionally
If you throw away shot clock, everything slows down
Not only transfer signal to entrepreneurs they don’t have to act, but also convey to economy that there are 0 opportunities for investment.
Might as well spend now.
Capitalism isn’t “emergence” or “spontaneous order”
Evolutionary forces may generate crystals + other repetitive patterns that can be produced by a simple algorithm, but these phenomena lack complexity as measured by informational entropy.
Information is the opposite of order. Capitalist economies are not equilibrium systems but dynamic domains of entrepreneurial experiment.
Predictability and order are not spontaneous and cannot be left to an invisible hand. It takes a low-entropy carrier to bear high-entropy information