We'll be monitoring the session and will keep you updated when #SB7070 is heard.
As always you can watch here, thefloridachannel.org
So now #SB7070 is not just a massive expansion of vouchers but also for charter schools via "Schools of Hope."
To be clear, voucher schools can still discriminate; this amendment just makes sure they inform parents up front of their discriminatory practices washingtonpost.com/news/education…
With no debate, the amendment passed.
To put it another way, Sen. Diaz said a family of two beginning teachers w/two children is "not making it" b/c their salaries are so low.
Sen. Diaz: 🤷♂️
Sen Diaz: 🤷♂️
You can read about those changes here: ttps://feaactioncenter.org/frontline/best-and-brightest-changes/
Diaz: I can't teach physics. (which, of course, didn't answer the question that was asked).
Diaz: We can't really know b/c principals get to choose who gets the recognition bonus.
Sen. Diaz explains that there are provisions to help make sure districts don't lose "good teachers" simply b/c they can't pass the general knowledge test.
Sen. Diaz explains that this bill codifies what the State Board of Education did with regards to lowering fees for retakes.
With that questions ended.
So the final Senate vote will be taking place after debate.
However, he says, "it would be nice if it were included in salaries" instead of a bonus.

"Why would we allow more & more charter schools to build right next door in 427 areas? She continues, It's almost a deliberate attempt to close neighborhood public schools
Let's look at some examples of diversity in Florida's schools:
In no other area would he be likely to suggest that having parallel systems is a feature that saves money. tampabay.com/opinion/editor…
But does it? 73% of voucher students return to public schools w/in 3 years. That level of instability isn't good for anyone.

Sen. @SenMannyDiazJr is now closing on the bill. The vote will take place soon.
But that's not why parents choose voucher schools. Overwhelmingly, they choose them explicitly b/c they want religious instruction.