This is not, objectively, earth-shattering. It is a short essay, 800 words, part of a larger anthology. Writers-who-write-things do this (and much more) every day, with discipline.
When I was *much* younger, I wrote volumes — privately (in bookshelves full of journals) and publicly (for poetry slams).
I was being paid for the design work, but sprinkled the words in, for free.
Images? ✔️
Strategy? ✔️
Design? ✔️
But words? No.
As of today, I am (in a tiny sense) a professional writer.
I am unsharpened.
But it *is* important to note that today, at 40, I am doing something *new*. And that MATTERS.
Working on this small project for a few weeks has reminded me of something:
Writing feels RIGHT for me.
So, I have decided: this year, I will attend a workshop, or take a class, or do what I need to do to make this a more regular part of my life.
But will would it look like for me to pursue something I love, on the side, purely because I enjoy it?
We’ll find out.
Here’s the other thing that matters very much:
2.) I’m creating with, and among, and for, people whom I respect deeply.
I am not daily pouring my *heart* into my work, because I can’t, and over time that takes a toll. 10/
But today? I am grateful. Grateful for this community, and for opportunity, and for revelation.
Cheers, friends. May peace & beauty find you, wherever you may be today.