"Voter Suppression" thread:
First, at the time of the Abrams-Kemp election, there were more registered voters in Georgia than there had ever been in history.
(source: abcnews.go.com/Politics/elect…)
But several things about this claim are misleading.
(Source: allongeorgia.com/georgia-state-…)
(source: nationalreview.com/2018/11/georgi…)
First, Kemp publicly opposed a proposal to close 7 precincts in one majority-black county.
(same source as above)
(Source: heritage.org/election-integ…)
(source: apmreports.org/story/2019/04/…)
The "evidence" against Kemp was speculative and almost conspiratorial, much like Trump's "evidence" of widespread illegal and posthumous voting.
You can't prove a negative.
(sources: nber.org/papers/w25522 & news.gallup.com/poll/194741/fo…)
It's almost as if black people have agency, and large swings in voter turnout don't need to be explained by evil racist forces. What a crazy thought.