June 16: Jo Cox brutally murdered. Universally condemned. Man jailed.
Jan 19: Anna Soubry allegedly verbally abused and called a “Nazi”. Universally condemned. Man in court.
Mar 19: Corbyn egged. Universally condemned. Man jailed for 28 days
Is the law being applied equally here? Or is political violence okay towards some?
He claimed: “I was in Warrington for a meeting... and had to pass on my way home.”
Also: “He just kept talking to me. I kept moving location.”
As well as: "I just got annoyed with him. A milkshake ‘slipped’ out of my hand.”
So let’s look at the video footage as it sure sounds like Danyaal was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, right?
His story isn’t really stacking up, is it?
Funnily enough, that wasn’t our first thought seeing Danyaal hurtling towards TR shouting “f*cking scum”.

And this is why they ban Robinson from every platform.
But why won’t any of his (many) detractors ever debate him? If he is evil,like you claim,crush his arguments in a debate and expose him as the fraud you claim.
People will watch this video now and see the truth, what really happened
“Why is a journalist like @RupertMyers promoting political violence just because he doesn’t like someone’s views?”
It’s not the narrative they want you to see, is it?
Videos like this expose the left, the mainstream media, & politicians to be the same manipulative frauds that have also subverted Brexit. & all you are doing is furthering Robinson’s cause.
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