I click links.
Mark Lenzi interview
60 Minutes ( I know, I know 🤢)
Sound marble would make
as it goes around metal cone
as it progressively gets faster as
marble goes down towards hole at end.
The Symptoms:
Light Sensitivity
Extreme Headaches
Memory Loss👈
Short Term Memory Loss
Lived above Lenzi
Could *feel sound in head,
intense pressure on both temples,
low oscillating humming sound.
Ringing in Ears
(Animals throwing up blood)
Her mom gets ill
while caring 4 her (3mos).😱
in microwave range.
Theory revealed by NSA in 2014.
Statement describes such weapon
as "high-powered microwave system weapon
that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time w/out leaving evidence."
"…this weapon is designed
2 bathe a target's living quarters
in microwaves."😱
NSA disclosed this in worker's comp case
filed by former NSA employee Mike Beck.
Do crickets sound like rolling marble
in metal conical tube?
Oh dear.
In 1996 Beck +
NSA co-worker, Chuck Gubete
were on assign in hostile country
Yrs later, he says they
developed Parkinson's Disease
at same time.🤔
Recently briefed House + Senate
Intelligence Committee staff.
Heard sound 4 mos.
Britta: "I was sitting next 2 Robyn +
something I felt like hit me from left side.
At first it felt like electric shock +
then it paralyzed me, 👈
so I was not able to move or speak."👈
Hard pass on China gigs.
[ I'm horrified.😱]
about other 14 China cases?
St Dept's medical office sent
Mark Lenzi note saying:
"We have reached decision
ur symptoms + findings
do not correlate w
Havana cohort."🤔
from Sen. Shaheen
2 State about attacks
@JeanneShaheen (NH)
State Dept statement
in response 2 ?s from
60 Minutes 4 this report
Again, wut up w St Dept?

But, seriously,
some Freaky-Friday-Sh¡t
State Department sweeping patients under rug?
RF or Radio Frequency energy,
in microwave range.
do me a solid
and unroll this shit.
Mucho Thankos.