But what's interesting is that while India is poor almost everywhere, China already has several provinces that have PCIs on par with Western Europe
Barring small states like Delhi and Goa, there is not a single major state in India whose PCI is in excess of $12K
Haryana and Telangana are the richest at $11K and $10K respectively
UP and Bihar are the poorest at $3.1K and $2.4K
While the nation's PCI is 17-18K, it has several regions way above $30K!
Beijing: $40K. (20MM)
Shanghai: $38K (23MM)
Tianjin: $34K (13MM)
Jiangsu: $33K (79MM)
Zhejiang: $28K. (54MM)
Fujian: $26K (37MM)
Guangdong: $24K. (104MM)
Shandong: $22K (100MM)
So while we tend to think of China as middle income, let's not lose sight of the fact that about a third of the country is as rich as Europe already
That's as rich as Haryana and Telangana.
So China's poorest states are a notch richer than the "Stars" of India like Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra!!
We don't even have a metropolitan region in this country whose Per-capita GDP is anywhere close to that of large provinces like Guangdong and Jiangsu!
While India's poorest regions are among its densest - UP, Bihar (with 800+ per sq km)
In China its densest provinces are among its richest!
Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Guangdong (all above 500)....let alone metropolitan provinces like Beijing, Shanghai
Sure. But the purpose here is provide a rough sense of how affluent the richest parts of China are
Yet we do compare, given that both belong to the same monetary union
A methodological imperfection we put up with
It's also interesting to compare China in 2018 with China in 2000 - how did these different regions look that year
Barely 18 years ago

Today Beijing is at $40K
Today Guangdong's PCI is at $24K - about the same as that of Romania