
SAD 😔!

The @IECSouthAfrica #ElectionNight Map shows how divided our society still is with @Our_DA more prevalent in colored communities as whilst @MYANC strong as expected in predominantly BlackAreas

1. @VFPlus enclaves all over SA Rural Farms where predominantly White Afrikaaners do call home
2. @IFPinParliament also is heavenly concentrated in the KZN Rurals where most Zulu folks call home
1. #Voters do not randomly allocate their electoral preferences but are influenced by
a. #Political
b. #SocioEconomic and
c. #Demographic factors as well as,
Changes in voting behaviour between one election and the next are also not random, but are correlated with past voting behaviour, demographic and socio-economic factors.
We learn to #Negotiate and #Compromising to grow this #Democracy, @BarackObama said.

#Democracy is won only through participation and nothing else hence why #CompulsoryVoting should always be the future to sustain the system