I was asked to comment on this video
By @RobertFife & @VassyKapelos on @PnPCBC
RE Jody Wilson-Raybould & the #SNCLavalin affair
But it was so problematic that it requires a #THREAD to address these troubling #CDNmedia & #ethics issues
In chronological order:
The @PnPCBC interview (in post #1) begins with libeling @SenDuffy, by inferring he was guilty of breach of trust charges, when in fact he was exonerated & thoroughly vindicated by the court
It's amazing that @VassyKapelos would spin the intro so dishonestly when @CBCNews covered @SenDuffy's exoneration - rebutting her own characterization to falsely boost @RobertFife's rep
Duffy's lawyer @BSB_Law will be disappointed, @ChuckTCBC
In keeping with this dishonesty, Fife describes the Byward Market as somewhere he conducts business, because he claims politicians & staffers don't go there
Except it's always been a hotspot for govt leakers & journos
@RobertFife goes on to libel @JustinTrudeau, claiming PMJT wrongly denied his story RE Jody Wilson-Raybould when Fife maintains it is true
Except the #ethics investigation is ongoing & no guilt has been determined

#CDNmedia is allowed to cite complainants, but it can't issue statements impugning @JustinTrudeau as a liar on anyone else's behalf
It's concerning that @PnPCBC, @CBCNews & @ChuckTCBC have forsaken #ethics by allowing @VassyKapelos to proceed anyway
At no point does @VassyKapelos correct @RobertFife to indicate to @PnPCBC viewers that an #ethics investigation remains ongoing & no conclusion can be inferred
That's a basic fact they both omit, to spin Fife as honest & PMJT as dishonest
In this brutally sensationalized report, @RobertFife & @VassyKapelos go on to characterize the resignation of Micheal Wernick as a loss to the govt & sign of PMJT's incompetence
They portray @JustinTrudeau as the director of Wernick's actions
But for that portrayal of Wernick to be true, as the hapless public servant controlled by PMJT, @RobertFife & @VassyKapelos are forcing @PnPCBC viewers to accept that he resigned for no good reason, as a victim of @JustinTrudeau's interference
The @PnPCBC interview between @RobertFife & @VassyKapelos lacks any credibility because it doesn't hold others accountable for their own actions
They seek to establish @JustinTrudeau as the only party directly responsible for what transpired
@RobertFife calls the govt incompetent for how it handled the leak about Jody Wilson-Raybould
But the drip-drip-drip of leaks to impugn @JustinTrudeau came from (likely partisan) public servants within the DOJ & @VassyKapelos doesn't clarify
@RobertFife, @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC then double-down with libeling @JustinTrudeau, by falsely claiming that PMJT "personally told Jody Wilson-Raybould" he wanted a deferred prosecution agreement during a September 18th meeting
cc @ChuckTCBC
That particular libel against @JustinTrudeau is so blatant that @Puglaas refutes @RobertFife @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC in her own testimony
Meeting was Sept 17 not 18 & it was Wernick who demanded a DPA, not PMJT

To support the anti @JustinTrudeau bias of @RobertFife @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC they attempt to cast PMJT as nefarious for meeting with Jody Wilson-Raybould at all
They make viewers think its abnormal for a PM to speak with a justice minister

@RobertFife then claims that JWR was demoted from justice minister to veterans affairs, as punishment for failing to secure a deferred prosecution agreement on #SNCLavalin's behalf
Except her own testimony also refutes this

From there @VassyKapelos allows @RobertFife to libel @DavidLametti too
They portray to @PnPCBC viewers that the new attorney general is more sympathetic to a deferred prosecution agreement for #SNCLavalin
Except no DPA has ever been offered, @ChuckTCBC
Outrageously, @RobertFife, @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC then libel @JustinTrudeau by claiming the loss of 9,000 #SNCLavalin jobs was debunked as untrue
But again it was @CBCNews that confirmed that truth, rebutting Fife's dishonesty
In a departure from outright libel, @RobertFife, @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC then tell slanderous half-truths about @SNCLavalin
They say the company's bad behaviour isn't a "one-off" & they omit the fact that #SNCLavalin cleaned house & fired its bad apples
@RobertFife, @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC further omit that criminal charges against past @SNCLavalin execs were dropped, due to the Jordan ruling
Like it or not, that means journalistically that #SNCLavalin is innocent
See Feb 15 & Feb 19
With even greater concern, @RobertFife, @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC then mislead viewers that a deferred prosecution agreement is easy to get in #CDNlaw
To this day, no DPA has ever been exercised in #CDNpoli & they are NOT obtained by lobbying a PM
But @RobertFife, @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC aren't done libeling PMJT yet
They add @SNCLavalin by claiming the company has connex within the @liberal_party to get a DPA
Truth is, #SNCLavalin also supports Conservatives & allegations occurred under Harper

Most illuminating to @RobertFife's anti Liberal bias is his claim that companies in BC & Alberta won't get the same favorable treatment as #SNCLavalin from @JustinTrudeau
But @VassyKapelos & @PnPCBC fail to challenge that mischaracterization with the TMX pipeline
After all that political interference by @RobertFife, he suggests to @VassyKapelos that it's unethical for journos to vote
This is a manipulative way to silence #CDNmedia criticism against him, at the cost of our hard-fought Charter rights & #CDNpoli democracy
So why would @RobertFife risk behaving this way on @PnPCBC with @VassyKapelos?
In his own proud words, the #SNCLavalin (faux) scandal (that never resulted in a DPA) did result in 3,000 new subscriptions to read his propaganda at the Globe & Mail
To drive the point home @RobertFife closes the interview with @VassyKapelos on @PnPCBC by admitting he regrets "torquing" his articles too much in the past
Torquing of any sort in #CDNmedia is journalistic fraud
cc @ChuckTCBC @JustinTrudeau @telfordk