Your subconscious mind loves patterns
Patterns = Comfort
But disrupting preexisting patterns is a prerequisite to growth
Do something out of the norm
If you feel fearful, then you're on the right track
They can be..
But there are nuances to patterns.
Let's explain the nuance so you can finally level up 👇👇
Habits have been executed so often that you do it on autopilot.
You have solidified neural pathways that allows you to do the act without conscious effort.
Not so fast...
This can be good AND bad.
Ex: driving.
You get in the car & begin driving without any cognitive effort.
Sweet deal, right?
And without cognitive effort, you preserve a lot of brain power.
It's bad when your patterns keep you in the comfort zone.
Ex: public speaking.
Your entire life, you rarely had to public speak.
So believe it or not, inaction towards public speaking IS a habit.
When you are given an opportunity to public speak, you inaction mode kicks in & designs excuses for you to avoid taking the stage.
Living in the comfort zone & a feeling of emptiness that you can't quite explain.
You leverage your awareness.
Understand that there are good patterns in life & bad patterns.
☆Growth = Overcoming bad patterns
It can be fear of public speaking, fear of social interactions, fear of investing in yourself etc.
Whatever it is, identify it.
Even though you feel hella uncomfortable doing the task, do it anyways.
Embrace for discomfort so you aren't rattled when you face it.
No need to overcome the fear overnight.
Rather, overcome it overtime.
Day in & day out, record your progress.
Write it down.
Make today better than yesterday & tomorrow better than today.
A pattern that aids your growth!
You are exiting the comfort zone before your very eyes.
Level up champ.
☆Gradual progress beats every now & then intensity.
Take it step by step & you'll be shocked by how far you've come!
Now break those destructive patterns.
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