so i'm going to tweet some factoids and common misunderstandings throughout the day as they come to me (or as i notice people committing said sins) #o11yfacts incoming!
There are small-m "metrics", a generic collective noun for statistical data. And there are statsd "Metrics", which are a specific data type consisting of a single number with n tags appended to it.
Statsd Metrics can be one of a small number of types, e.g. counter, gauge, histogram, summary, timing, etc, which inform the aggregator how to process or bucket them.
This means a lot of people have the Metrics data model lodged firmly in their heads, and assume that Metrics and metrics are the same.
You might fire off hundreds of Metrics over the course of a single request, yet they are disconnected from one another; there is no way of guaranteeing that any two of them describe the same request or were true at the same time.
And statsd descendants only handle low cardinality dimensions.
They are terrible for debugging scenarios, or trying to understand user experience, or unknown-unknowns. Just about impossible.
As you investigate observability and adopt newer paradigms for complex systems, you may want to familiarize yourself with this difference. 🍻