Last night I asked myself: how much EMPIRICAL research has been published in ECONOMICS using data from GAFAs? The answer is: almost NONE.
American Economic Review (excluding P&P): 1 (using data from G trends). Not addressing IO questions;
Econometrica: 0;
Journal of Political Economy: 2 (1 with FB data, 1 with G trends). Not addressing IO questions;
Quarterly Journal of Economics: 1 (G patents);
There is a small bunch of (great) papers using eBay data, or Yahoo!, or Expedia – but these are not GAFAs.
What does this all mean? Various possibilities:
2.Papers with GAFAs data are plentiful in other fields. Possible, I’m not an expert: I am referring to econ top 5.
3. No interesting questions about GAFAs that attract the attention of economists: implausible.
Mind you: these guys do give $ millions to some academics, but no data. Rather they sponsor policy agendas. E.g. this:…
(what bothers me is not the funding, but the lack of disclosure)

How can we change this BAD equilibrium?
Ciao /FIN