We've known the reason for 2 years: they're compromised.
How did the Russians compromise them?
a. Illegal campaign donations
b. Stealing compromising communications and documents via hacking the RNC and SmarTech-hosted GOP acts and websites
c. Setting up or agreeing to compromising acts/meetings
Although some of these came through dual nationals to try to skirt the law, the orders to do so from the Kremlin still make them illegal.
By hacking GOP accounts and websites, and threatening to expose what they found. The GOP folded.
(Research by Richard Painter and Leanne Watt, PhD)
The (Smar/Gov)Tech web hosting company started small with Jeb Bush, but rapidly expanded to host Mike Pence and other GOP state entities, before absorbing the sensitive materials of GOP Congressional committees.

Accessed via Google Books.
Highlights h/t random facts girl.
Mysterious meetings:
- 17 Trump campaign officials have lied about over 100 meetings w/ Russians
- Nunes, Rohrabacher and even Roy Moore speak Russian
- GOP Senators went to Moscow on July 4; some pretended they were still in the US
- Erik Prince met w/ the head of Russia's state investment fund secretly in the Seychelles
- Kushner met with the head of a sanctioned Russian bank in Trump Tower
- Junior, Kushner, Manafort w/ indicted Kremlin lawyer Veselnitskaya, TT 6/9/2016
- POUTS has met w/ Putin in secret 5 times, and violated the Federal Records Act and committed obstruction of justice by destroying the evidence (translator notes, etc)
There's only one reasonable explanation: the Republican Party has sold out to the Russians.